5 Coolest ‘Space Cowboys’ of All Time

space cowboys

To start off and make sure we are all on the same page, I will define ‘space cowboy’ for you, by my own terms. It basically means any character from sci-fi (in this case, TV and movies) who flew around in space, but was also pretty much a cowboy. Same ideals and similar aesthetic (albeit a bit sci fi’d out). He is calm, cool, collected, and is generally not one to be trifled with. Often they are usually bounty hunters, but can come in any many shapes and sizes. The fact is, the space cowboy is everywhere, but there are no lists about them (until now, that is). Though there have been many in science fiction, here are five space cowboys are are pretty much the coolest dudes in all the cosmos. A few you know, a few you don’t, and one that just might make you scratch your head.

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This is Adorable: Flipbook with Hidden Engagement Ring Compartment [Video]

The Flippist” makes custom drawn flipbooks for any occasion, including marriage proposals (as seen in the video above.) I hope the person who received this said yes!

Here’s a custom flipbook that was used for a proposal. I cut out some sections of the flipbook to create a secret compartment for the engagement ring to hide in.

[The Flippist | The Flippist on Youtube]

Could a Blind Eye Regenerate? [Science Video]

We tend to think of blindness as something you’re born with, but with certain genetic diseases, it can actually develop when you’re a kid, or even when you’re an adult. But could blind eyes possibly regenerate? David Davila explains how the zebrafish’s amazing regenerative retinas are causing scientists to investigate that very question.


10 Villains Who Were Supposed To Come Back….But Never Did


Here is the general rule about ‘pain in the butt’ bad guys (from movies, TV, and gaming). True villains never die. They never really go away. They may vanish for a bit or lull an audience into a false sense of security, but that’s their job. The reality is, when you LEAST want to see them again, they will probably reappear. Yet in some cases, you get bad guys or groups of bad guys who pose a threat and seem to have unfinished business, but you never hear from them again.

i09 has a piece right now about ten villains who did just that. You will find the list is very sci-fi heavy, but that is generally because the science fiction world is the world with enough leniency that things like ‘coming back from the dead’ is accepted and not just laughed off like it would be on a drama show. So in that sense, it is even stranger some of these villains didn’t come back. or finish their plot lines.

Seriously, what was up with those blue gloves on Firefly?

[image and story via I09]

Can Pheromones Get You A Date? [Science Video]

The American Chemical Society has a special episode about pheromones this week in honor of Valentine’s Day. So, could pheromones help you get date and help you “get lucky?” Watch the video to find out!

Is there such a thing as love at first smell? There are hundreds of spray-on pheromone products that claim to put you on the fast track to romance. But can they really help humans land a mate? Reactions has the answers in this week’s episode.
