9 Actors Who Secretly Speak More Languages Than You!

Becoming a superhero requires peak physical conditioning, intense training, and, apparently… a language learning app on steroids? In 9 Actors Who Secretly Speak LOTS of Languages, Olly Richards unveils the linguistic superpowers of some of Hollywood’s biggest icons. From Hugh Jackman’s flawless Japanese to Zoe Saldana’s multilingual fluency, these stars prove they’re more than just […]

When humans use AI to earn patents, who is doing the inventing?

Only humans can be awarded patents, but AIs can do a lot of the work to earn them. lineartestpilot/iStock via Getty Images W. Keith Robinson, Wake Forest University The advent of generative artificial intelligence has sent shock waves across industries, from the technical to the creative. AI systems that can generate viable computer code, write […]

For superfans, comic-con culture is more than fun – it’s sacred, a sociologist explains

An attendee dressed as Dvalin from the video game ‘Genshin Impact’ poses during New York Comic Con in October 2024. Charles Sykes/Invision/AP Michael Elliott, Towson University Picture a packed stadium of fans in extreme weather, all clad in their favorite jerseys, cheering and cursing at their favorite American football team or European soccer club. Or […]

Stan Lee: The Final Chapter – The Heartbreaking End of a Real-Life Marvel Hero

Stan Lee: The Final Chapter

Excelsior! That was Stan Lee’s signature catchphrase – one that inspired fans across generations. But while the world celebrated his legacy when he passed in 2018, few knew the darker truth behind his final years. Now, Stan Lee: The Final Chapter, a new documentary from filmmaker Jon Bolerjack, sheds light on the heartbreaking reality of […]

What Is Worcestershire Sauce Made Of? Rotten Fish Never Tasted So Good!

No Name Worcestershire Sauce

Ah Worcestershire sauce, the magical elixir that somehow makes your Bloody Mary better and gives your steak that savory kick. But here’s the thing: it’s fermented fish. Yep, folks, when you ask for Worcestershire sauce, you’re basically requesting a splash of aged fish juice in your drink. Let that sink in. The origins of Worcestershire […]

The Vanishing Words: How Languages Die and What We Can Do to Save Them

Languages aren’t just words; they’re entire worlds of history, identity, and culture. But like species, languages can go extinct. In Otherwords’ latest episode, host Erica Brozovsky, Ph.D., explores the different stages of language death—and whether some can be revived. From Latin’s persistence as a dead language to the incredible revival of Hebrew, this episode dives […]

Quebec Comiccon Winter Edition: The Cosplay Gallery

For the second year in a row, the organization behind Quebec Comiccon held a Winter Edition of their event over the weekend of February 22nd. As usual, our fellow French Canadians gave it their all! Beyond the vendors and artists, cosplayers strolled the con floor, proudly showcasing their latest creations. As always, we were on-site […]

Online brain rot is undermining our ability to tell meaningful stories

Masoud Kianpour, Toronto Metropolitan University I teach a course on the relationship between social media and society at Durham College. As part of their assessments, I ask my students to reflect on their social media use. A recurring theme is that they cannot be separated from their smartphones. Many admit to spending significant time daily […]

The Heartbreaking Tale of Tristan and Isolde: Love, Betrayal, and Fate

Discover the heartbreaking story of Tristan and Princess Isolde in this video from Ted Ed! When King Mark of Cornwall seeks a bride with golden locks, the only match is Isolde of Ireland. After Tristan slays a dragon to bring peace, a love potion leads to an uncontrollable passion between him and Isolde. Despite their […]

From Swords to Sick Burns: Napoleon vs. Charlemagne Rap Battle!

Napoleon vs Charlemagne

Watch as two of history’s greatest conquerors go head-to-head in Epic Rap Battles of History: Napoleon vs. Charlemagne! Charlemagne, the medieval powerhouse who built the Holy Roman Empire, lays down the law with some old-school rhymes, striking fear like his legendary conquests. But Napoleon fires back with smooth flow and brutal burns, reminding everyone why […]