This is the Best Tauriel Cosplay Ever [Pics + Video]


Sure, there’s plenty of people who’ve cosplayed Tauriel since the second part of “The Hobbit” trilogy came out, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone who impersonated the character that well. Russian cosplayer Tina Rybakova truly looks like the living impersonation of the character (apart from Evangeline Lilly who played Tauriel in the movie!) Kudos to Makar Vinogradov, the photographer, for the amazing shots as well.





Model: Tina Rybakova
Photography: Makar Vinogradov

Top 10 Interesting NPCs in Video Games

There are some games that have minor characters you cross paths with but secretly hope you get to spend more time with because they are so badass. On occasion, these NPCs get DLC down the road, but for the most part, they stay just that. NPCs. Here are ten very memorable NPCs from gaming. We may only accept some missions from them or deal with them in a cut scene or two, but they stay in our minds much longer than that.

Oh, and Tiny Tina for the win. That little badass rocks!

[Image Via GamePlanet, Story via WatchMojo]

The Pen That Writes in Chocolate

choco pen

If you are unfamiliar with Skyrocket Toys, be grateful. Simply because, once you see what they have to offer at their site, you will wish you were a kid again. But one recent bomb they’ve dropped is about their new chocolate pen. Yes, it is an actual pen that writes in chocolate. Yes, you can eat what comes out of the pen. Not that weird, fake, dollar store chocolate, either. Like, real chocolate. This is the pen I always dreamed about as a child.

From Gizmodo:

The $30 pen, available this fall, uses a built-in electric motor to extrude real liquid chocolate from tubes that can be swapped in and out to change colors. So kids can easily create hand-drawn designs, or simply use the pen to precisely fill moulds. After a short while at room temperature (or in the fridge) the liquid chocolate hardens so a child’s creation can be handled and consumed, but what kid isn’t just going to put the tip of this pen directly in their mouths once a parent has turned their back?

Alright, screw it, I am ordering a dozen. Why? I’m a writer, duh. And I’m an adult so I can pour the pen directly into my mouth if I want. Or write delicious swear words for all to see and indulge in. Either way, take my money!

[Image and story via Gizmodo]

Visual Noms: A Dynamic and Gifferific Recipe for Chia Pudding


You may not even think you wanna see this, but you do. Chia tea is an amazing bouquet of spices that truly wake up the senses and invigorate (or relax) the soul. Chia pudding takes that one step further by essentially being an edible version of chia tea. While we may not divulge recipes too often, you really do NEED to see this one.

Cool Hunting put together what may very well be the coolest visual recipe you will ever see. Rather than just tell you how to make this (deceptively simple) treat, they show you in gifs. It may sound simple (because it is), but it will make you wonder why all recipes haven’t been done this way.

What you’ll need: ¾ cup of almond milk , ¼ cup of chia seeds, 2 teaspoons of maple syrup, and ¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Place chia seeds in container with lid. Add vanilla extract.

Add maple syrup.

Add almond milk.

Place top on container and shake. Refrigerate overnight (or at least three hours).

It will also make you wanna make some chia pudding, which is a win for all.

[Image via EasyGoodHealth, Story Via Cool Hunting]

What Planet Is Super Mario World? [Science Video]

From PBS Space Time:

We’ve run, jumped, and stomped all over the world of Super Mario, but, where in the universe is Super Mario EXACTLY? It’s virtual so it obviously DOESN’T exist, but if it did, could Super Mario world be in our solar system? And what do the planet’s dynamics reveal about Mario’s crazy jumping ability? Join Gabe as he takes us on a rick-roaring tour of our known universe as we search for the answer in this week’s SpaceTime!

[PBS Space Time]