Snake Beater [Pop Facts]

The Metal Gear series, and moreover, the “Snake” character has been an intruiging and enigmatic character since we were first introduced to his many incarnations in the 80’s. Since then things have only gotten more contrived and intense. Here, we get a deeper look at the snake.

Wow, sorry that sounded so creepy.

[Image via RestartReplay, story via Gametrailers]

The New Jurassic World Trailer Will Give You Goosebumps! [Video]

Steven Spielberg returns to executive produce the long-awaited next installment of his groundbreaking Jurassic Park series, Jurassic World. Colin Trevorrow directs the epic action-adventure based on the novel “Jurassic Park” by Michael Crichton. Frank Marshall and Patrick Crowley join the team as producers.

Jurassic World will be released in 3D by Universal Pictures on June 12, 2015.

[Universal Pictures]

Ouch, My Head Hurts: The Infinite Hotel Paradox

The Infinite Hotel, a thought experiment created by German mathematician David Hilbert, is a hotel with an infinite number of rooms. Easy to comprehend, right? Wrong. What if it’s completely booked but one person wants to check in? What about 40? Or an infinitely full bus of people? Jeff Dekofsky solves these heady lodging issues using Hilbert’s paradox.

[Ted Ed]

7-Year-Old Wants to Let Jedi Marry; Lucasfilm Responds [Pics + Videos]


In the Star Wars universe, Jedi knights can’t marry, and 7-year-old Colin doesn’t agree with that. When he gets older, the young Padawan wants to become a Jedi, and he also wants to marry, so he took the matter into his own hands and wrote to George Lucas to ask the man to change the rule. Here’s what Lucasfilm responded:


Hello, Colin,

Thank you so much for writing to us with your question. It sounds like the Force is strong with you, and you are showing great wisdom by asking your question. To be a Jedi is to truly know the value of friendship, of compassion, and of loyalty, and these are values important in a marriage. The Sith think inward, only of themselves. When you find someone that you can connect to in a selfless way, then you are on the path of the light, and the dark side will not take hold of you. With this goodness in your heart, you can be married.

We enclosed a few gifts that we hope you enjoy. Thank you again for writing to us.

May the Force Be With You!


Your Friends at Lucasfilm.


And lastly, the force is indeed strong with Colin:

[Via GeekDad | NA]

Top 8 Best Dinosaur Games of all Time

Dinosaurs are awesome. There are not many geeks who think otherwise. We loved them as kids, and most of grew up to still love them except we keep that love a bit more secret. Thankfully, we have video games which throw dinosaur encounters at us pretty regularly. But what are the best dinosaur games of all time?

Gameranx has you covered.