A “Tangled” Animated Series is Coming to the Disney Channel!


Ok, sorry, just had to let that out.

Set between the events of 2010’s Tangled and the 2012 Disney Channel short film Tangled Ever After, in which Rapunzel and Eugene get married, the Disney Channel series will be traditionally animated…and will feature Zachary Levi and Mandy Moore reprising their roles!

(From Disney Channel)

(From Disney Channel)

According to Variety:

The series follows the long-locked Rapunzel (Moore), as she acquaints herself with her parents, her kingdom and the people of Corona, and realizes there is much more she needs to learn before she can truly accept her royal destiny, causing her to put her crown and put her marriage on hold to seek out epic adventures, much to the dismay of her father, the King. Accompanying Rapunzel on her journey will be the charming bandit Eugene (Levi); the plucky chameleon sidekick, Pascal; the no-nonsense horse, Maximus; the Snuggly Duckling Pub Thugs; and newcomer Cassandra, a tough-as-nails handmaiden, who becomes Rapunzel’s confidant.

The show is currently scheduled for a 2017 release on the Disney Channel.

Square Enix to Producer Color-Infused “Arkham Knight” Figure for SDCC 2015 [PICS]

Square Enix is releasing a line of Batman: Arkham Knight figures under its Play Arts Kai line that measure just under 12″ tall.

But as part of a San Diego Comic-Con 2015 exclusive, they are also releasing a limited edition black, blue, and gold-colored Arkham Knight figure that is also available for pre-order for an August 31 release.

Arkham Knight figure colored 1 Arkham Knight figure colored 2 Arkham Knight figure colored 3 Arkham Knight figure colored 4 Arkham Knight figure colored 5

For comparison, here is the original Batman: Arkham Knight Play Arts Kai figure that is available on August 1:

Arkham Knight figure black

Both figures will cost $99.99 apiece.

[via Gamespot]

10 Things You Probably Missed in the ‘Fallout 4’ Trailer

Alright, Fallout 4 trailer is here. Now let’s dissect it for any discernible piece of information we can gleam from this sure-fire hit. I am already drooling all over myself in anticipation, and these 10 revelations about the Fallout 4 trailer have me drooling even more.

What aspect of Fallout 4 are YOU most excited for?

Pre-order Fallout 4 right now!

[Via Gameranx]

LEGO Jurassic World-VIP Tour Trailer

What looks better than Jurassic World this summer? Well, honestly, at this point, this Jurassic World LEGO game. Take this tour though this toy version of the park and try to tell me otherwise. If there is one thing this world needs, it is more day-glow dinosaurs toys that attack other day-glow dinosaurs.

(Via Gamespot]

Repairman Accidentally Beats Google At Own Game


Search for “Google” on Google and you’d expect to get Google. But an Egyptian air conditioning engineer found himself number one for that very search, having unintentionally found a killer search engine optimization trick.

The unexpected result only affected searches on Google’s Egyptian site (google.com.eg) but appeared even for users of Incognito mode, meaning the rankings weren’t affected by personal search history and web use. The results appear to have been the same on desktop and mobile.

Instead of the search engine itself, the number one ranking was for the Google+ page for Saber El-Toony, a repairman for a company dealing in refrigeration and air conditioning. The same page appeared at number two if you searched using the Arabic script that translates to “Google.”

Egyptian online marketer Eyad Nour heard about the quirk and investigated. He found that the Google+ page had 3.5 million views, which rose by 86,000 in the space of 45 minutes. That’s more likely a testament to the sheer number of people who use Google (multiplied by the presumably tiny percentage who’d intentionally or accidentally search for “Google”) than it is a sign of El-Toony’s personal popularity.

Nour tried to figure out what was causing the ranking given that Google being number one for “Google” seems like it should be the purest baseline for the Google algorithm.

The most credible explanation is what El-Toony had typed in the field for his personal website address on his Google+ linking. Presumably by accident he had somehow cut and paste the url that’s produced when your search Google for his Twitter username.

It appears that somehow Google’s algorithm had decided that a Google+ page linking to a “personal website” that appeared to be hosted at Google made Google squared or, another way, made a result that was more Google than Google.

A Google employee speaking in a personal capacity has now told Nour that the quirky result was down to “an experimental algorithm that [went] wrong.”

This LEGO Dungeon Master is a Masterpiece! [Pics]


If you’ve ever watched the old Dungeons and Dragons animated TV show, you’ll love this! LEGO artist extraordinaire Chris van Vliet inspired himself from the show’s Dungeon Master to recreate an amazing LEGO version of the man. Be sure to check out all the pics after the “read more” link below (if you’re reading this from the front page!)





[Chris van Vliet | Via NA]