Ledger’s death equals higher Batman profits?

By Mark O’Neill

Keith Ledger as The JokerWith the untimely tragic death of Heath Ledger, movie industry watchers are predicting that the profits of the upcoming Batman movie, The Dark Knight, will ultimately go through the roof.

The release of the new Batman posters, showing Ledger as the Joker, has the actor “gruesomely made-up” and there was a lot of positive buzz about his performance. However, news of Ledger’s death has prompted suggestions that anticipation of the movie “is likely to intensify with fans morbidly curious to watch Ledger’s posthumous final screen performance.”

Is it just little old sensitive me or is it highly distasteful to pay to watch a movie just because a recently-dead actor appears in it? I will be watching The Dark Knight as a fan, not someone who will gasp in wonder when Ledger appears on-screen as the Joker for the first time.

The death of Ledger has also got Warner Bros re-considering their marketing and promotion for the Batman movie.  Several news sources including AFP and the Wall Street Journal are reporting that Ledger may be removed altogether from the promotional posters to be replaced instead by Christian Bale.  The studio is concerned that leaving him on the posters will lead to accusations they are trying to cash in by exploiting Ledger’s demise.

Dilbert goes all widgety

By Mark O’Neill

DilbertIf, like me, you enjoy your daily dose of Dilbert, then you’ll be pleased to hear that he has gone all widgety on us.

Dilbert’s daddy, Scott Adams, has produced free widgets of varying sizes which show the current Dilbert strip (in color!) and you can put the widget on your website / blog / iGoogle page / social networking page (take your pick).

The only slightly irritating thing about it (from my point of view) is that there isn’t a widget size that shows the entire strip in one go. Even the biggest size – 400 x 300 – only shows one and a half pictures at a time and you have to click on the arrow button to see the rest.

But hey it’s free and who am I to quibble with free? Grab your desired widget and show the love.

Steve Jobs: The $1 Man

Poor, poor Steve Jobs. In 2008, Apple’s CEO will continue to receive his third-world-like salary of $1. The worst part of this is that once again, he will not receive a raise this year. The only compensation he’ll get is a few shares of his beloved corporation, currently priced at $140 a piece.

Since Apple is afraid that Jobs will go looking for greener pastures, they have generously offered him a bit of help here and there when he has needed it the most. In 2000, they offered him a private jet valued at approximately $90 million. In 2007, the firm reimbursed over $770,000 in expenses related to the jet.

That said, you can’t deny that Jobs is a very poor man. The only thing he gets out of his job are shares of the company, which incidentally, are now worth a measly $768 million.

Being that destitute must be very hard on the man.

The world is ending: Meteorite on track to hit earth next week

Ok… not really, but it will stream by the earth at the relatively close distance of 538,000 km, or about 1.4 times the distance between the Moon and our beloved planet.

So did we get your attention?

According to NASA researcher Don Yeomans, the object, known as 2007 TU24, has a length of approximately 152 meters and will approach Earth next Monday. The star gazers among you should be pleased to know the meteorite will be observable via medium-strength telescopes.

Fortunately for us, Yeomas said the object has absolutely no chance of hitting our precious, pale blue dot.

Statistics show that a collision between a meteorite this large and earth occurs each 37,000 years. Anyone know when we’re due for the next big impact?

Near-Earth Asteroid 2007 TU24 to Pass Close to Earth on January 29

Nessie the Loch Ness Monster takes over Tokyo

The marketing team of the upcoming movie “The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep” has done one of the most amazing publicity stunts I’ve ever seen in Tokyo Bay just a few weeks ago. The 15-meter illusion of “Nessie” shown below was created using a mix of water projection screen techniques and some synchronized water jets. To put it simply, the effect is what we could call – jaw-dropping.

Geek panties

By Mark O’Neill

After some heavy petting on IRC and finally a first date to the Apple store, you strike lucky and make it back to her place. Nervously declining the offer of coffee, you proceed to the bedroom area to plug your solution into her equation.

Off come the jeans and just when you think you’ve struck the jackpot…..

Password Panties

What, you don’t know the password?   You’re out of luck then buddy!

Top 7 Geek Panties

David Gallo: Underwater astonishments

In the following video, oceanographer David Gallo shows jaw-dropping footage of amazing sea creatures, including a shape-shifting cuttlefish, a pair of fighting squid, and a mesmerizing gallery of bioluminescent fish that light up the blackest depths of the ocean. He focuses on the work of two scientists: Edith Widder at the Ocean Research & Conservation Association, and Roger Hanlon at the Marine Biological Lab. Enjoy the show!

College students: The MPAA still hates you

Last year, the MPAA released a study claiming that 44% of all illegal movie downloads via P2P networks could be directly linked to college students with high-speed network access.

Using that report, the MPAA then coerced many college campuses into installing a P2P-monitoring toolkit on their networks. This program reports back to the MPAA directly, and tracks which IP addresses on campus were violating copyrights.

As that saga unfolded, the MPAA was accused of stealing copyrighted material to use as their toolkit, so red-faced, it withdrew its deployments and removed the link to the toolkit from their Web site.

Now the MPAA has more egg on its face. The report blaming college students was flawed. “Bad math,” said the agency. The MPAA is still accusing college students of villainy, but now its number sits at 15% of illegal downloads, a far cry  from the hearty 44% they claimed earlier.

From the AP here:

Hollywood laid much of the blame for illegal movie downloading on college students. Now, it says its math was wrong.

In a 2005 study it commissioned, the Motion Picture Association of America claimed that 44 percent of the industry’s domestic losses came from illegal downloading of movies by college students, who often have access to high-bandwidth networks on campus.

The MPAA has used the study to pressure colleges to take tougher steps to prevent illegal file-sharing and to back legislation currently before the House of Representatives that would force them to do so.

But now the MPAA, which represents the U.S. motion picture industry, has told education groups a “human error” in that survey caused it to get the number wrong. It now blames college students for about 15 percent of revenue loss.

Terry Hartle, vice president of the American Council on Education, which represents higher education in Washington, said the mistakes showed the entertainment industry has unfairly targeted college campuses.

“Illegal peer-to-peer file-sharing is a society-wide problem. Some of it occurs at colleges and universities but it is a small portion of the total,” he said, adding colleges will continue to take the problem seriously, but more regulation isn’t necessary.

So why did the MPAA come clean about its falsified study? Maybe because it’s a crime to intentionally submit flawed documents as testimony to Congress?

I agree that copyrights need to be enforced, but when the copyright holders adopt tactics of organized criminals, pushing a “protection racket” at a bunch of colleges ill-equipped to stand up to rabid attorney teams, they need to be stopped.

The last thing we need is Congress meddling with network administrators who are trying to do their jobs. This applies both to the P2P issue and to the net neutrality issue.

BUG: Introducing the first open source gadget

If you think, eat and dream open-source, then the following will surely bring you to nirvana.

At this year’s CES, a company named Bug Labs introduced a new concept gadget, the BUG. It’s a modular device that can be adapted to your unique needs and preferences, and can even take the place of many of your most essential electronics. In need of a phone, media player or digital camera? No problem, the Bug can do the job. What about a GPS, computer, lawnmower or light saber? You can count on the Bug. Ok, the Bug won’t really cut people in half or mow your lawn, but you get the idea… right?

The principle behind the device is simple. First, you start with a base module, the BUGBase, which is composed of a processor, some memory, a small display, a few input/output ports and a battery. Then, if you want your BUG to accomplish a new function, just add the correspondent module. Yes, we know, some of the smart phones out there can do all of the things we enumerated previously, but the beauty behind this concept is that the Bug is entirely open-source. This means if you are a DIY kind of person and have basic technical knowledge, you should be able to make your own modules and add them to the BUGBase.

There’s an added benefit: You don’t need to have a spendy contract with Cingular or another big-business wireless provider, one of the disadvantages of smart devices like the iPhone.

For the software side, all coding is made though Bug Labs’ SDK, which can be downloaded for no charge from their site.

Bug SDK - Screenshot #1 Bug SDK - Screenshot #1

One thing is for sure, the BUG isn’t for everybody, but if you’re a true computer or gadget lover, and have some Java skills in your background, then you’ll definitely want to get your hands on one of these. The base bundle sells for $549 and comes with the BUGbase and the BugMotion, BugLocate and the BUGcam2MP modules. You may find this a bit expensive, but hey, this shouldn’t stop the truly passionate geeks among you.