‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ Exclusive PS4 Content

Looks like PS4 owners are in for something special with their versions of Batman: Arkham Knight. You can almost hear the Xbox One fanboys gathering their weapons and readying for battle.

Relax guys and gals, we are sure they have something in mind for that console, too. Rocksteady is not gonna go out on a whimper with this series. Clear to see they intend on going out with a bang. But those scarecrow nightmare levels looks SICK and I would be pretty upset as an Xbox One owner if I didn’t get to play them. (Side note: at the end of trailer it says “Scarecrow missions on PS4 first”, which tells me Xbox One owners WILL get them. Just later on.)

Thoughts on that? Is this a scandal waiting to happen? Will it further fuel the console war? Either way, you have to admit this game looks fantastic!

[Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4) | Via Gamespot]

Full Working City To Be Built As Test Ground


A newly-built city in New Mexico will never have any permanent human residents. That’s because it’s been built as a tech test ground.

The Center for Innovation, Testing and Evaluation (CITE) will cover 15 square miles and be designed as if it were home to 35,000 people. It’ll have all the types of business, retail and residential buildings you’d expect, plus wired-up communications and utilities. There’ll also be all manner of sensors and other data-gathering instruments built in place ready for tests.

It’s not the first such test environment: the University of Michigan has built a city grid for testing automated cars in a realistic urban driving environment. However, that “city” is only a few streets and is used solely for cars.

In contrast, CITE is designed to replicate a “mid-sized American city” and cover urban, suburban and rural areas. Among its “fake” facilities will be a research campus, which will be used for real.

The idea is to test anything that needs to work in a real-life city situation. Pegasus Global Holdings, the company behind CITE, says it expects common test areas to include intelligent transport systems, green energy, smart grids, telecommunications and security.

It will be open to public and private organizations on a commercial basis. The idea is to remove the type of “legal, cultural and budgetary impediments” to testing that exist in genuine populated cities. One of the big selling points to potential clients is that they’ll be able to try out ambitious but potentially risky technologies.

Speaking to WIRED, Pegasus’s Bob Brumley says that as well as testing if their technologies actually work on a large scale, clients could ask CITE staff to carry out security tests. This could include simulating wireless interference, an attempted hacking attack, or even the extreme case of an electromagnetic pulse.

The project is expected to cost between $550 million and $1 billion. It’s been in the works for four years, but Pegasus has now confirmed a location and plans to break ground this fall. The schedule is for the utilities infrastructure to be in place in early 2017, with the completed city open for tests somewhere between 2018 and 2020.

‘Assassin’s Creed’ Cosplay Taken To New Heights, Literally


I do not know who he or she is. I do not know how they got out there. I do not know how they intend to get down. I just know Reddit is all about this dude today and figured a few of you Assassin’s Creed fans just might get a kick out of this fan’s dedication.

Or should I say deadication, depending on if there is a bail of hay beneath him. Cosplay that just may cost him his life. Wow.

[Via Reddit]

KUNG FURY: The Official Movie [Full Film]

YES! It’s here! The long awaited movie has finally been released and can be watched for free online!

Kung Fury is an over-the-top 80’s action comedy that was crowd funded through Kickstarter. It features Kung Fury, a Kung Fu renegade cop who travels back in time to kill his Nemesis, Hitler. The film features nazis, dinosaurs, vikings and cheesy one-liners.
