Silicon Chips Could Become Carbon Chips

Credit: IBM

Credit: IBM

IBM says it has solved one of three key problems with making computer chip transistors from carbon rather than silicon. It’s a step closer to overcoming the current limitations on Moore’s Law.

The theory is that while silicon transistors have worked well for years, it’s getting harder and harder to make them any smaller and thus increase the overall capacity on a chip. The suggested alternative is a carbon nanotube, literally a rolled up sheet of carbon that is just one atom thick.

One of the key problems with using carbon nanotubes has been that the metal contacts needed to connect them in a transistor are relatively large. That makes it impossible to fit as many nanotubes on a chip as would otherwise be possible.

The solution turned out to be simple in concept, if intricate to turn into practice. Until now, nanotube transistors have worked by putting the contact along the tube’s length. IBM’s solution instead involved putting the contacts at the ends of the tube. That allowed the set-up to work with contacts that are 9 nometers long, compared with the equivalent contacts being 25 nanometers long on silicon chips.

With this solution, scalability is no longer a limiting factor in using carbon nanotubes. Two problems still remain however. One is that a nanotube can be formed in two ways, known as metallic and semiconducting. Only the semiconducting form is useful in a transistor, but filtering these out is still tricky.

The other problem is the sheer logistics of placing a tiny nanotube in the correct position on a chip, a task that needs to be repeated billions of times for each chip.

Harry Potter Fans Want to Free Dobby at Warner Bros. Studio Tour [Pic]


It seems like there’s quite a few dedicated Harry Potter fans who want to set Dobby free at the Warner Bros. Studio Tour in London. For those who don’t remember, giving an item of clothing to a house elf is the only way to set them free from their master’s service in the Potterverse.

[Picture Source: @HogwartsLogic]

5 OMG WTF Moments from the Metal Gear Series (No ‘Phantom Pain’ Spoilers)


Of all the video games series in existence, few have packed in as many WTF moments as the Metal Gear franchise. Breaking so many narrative norms and gameplay tropes, it is the kind of game series where even if you think you know what’s coming next, you don’t. That is also where the draw lies in this series for many. Just the simple sense of wonder about where the games will go next. Will it be a meta moment? A naughty moment? A straight up “I can’t believe that just happened” moment? Hell, knowing this series, all of the above. Here are the five most WTF and OMG moments from the Metal Gear series. Sorry to sound so ’13 year old girl’ in the title, but Google doesn’t like cussing. Also, no Phantom Pain spoilers as we know some people are still enjoying that game.

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It’s Not a Trap: Admiral Ackbar Makes It Into ‘The Force Awakens’


There is something awesome about seeing familiar faces in franchises we love. though Admiral Ackbar from Star Wars may be remembered as a somewhat minor character, his “It’s A Trap” line is almost as quoted as all the bad Yoda impressions Star Wars fans spit out. But it looks like the Admiral will be making an appearance in The Force Awakens. Tim Rose, who played Ackbar, recently had this to say:

“Out of the need to be secret, we’re not actually able to get everything we need to do our jobs as well as we could,” he said. “And as someone who has been doing it for 35 years, I find it very frustrating.”

Rose works as a puppeteer and gets into a full-on costume to operate and play the animatronic character of Admiral Ackbar. It is a role he never expected to return to, likening the arduous conditions of acting in the costume to Guantanamo Bay.”

Let’s just hope this isn’t a trap. Get it, Ackbar and Guantanamo Bay? Sorry, that was low hanging fruit.

Image, Story Via The Robot’s Voice

What It Looks Like When You Are A Baby in ‘Fallout 3’


We all just assumed from the first person perspective we were looking through in the first parts of Fallout 3 that we were looking through the eyes of an infant in the beginning of that game. Nope. You were looking through the eyes of a tiny, life sized man who clearly crawled up from the gates of hell to haunt your nightmares.

Wow, thanks Reddit.

(Via Imgur)