10 Creepiest Video Game Easter Eggs

Some developers hide fun and cute and whimsical Easter Eggs in their games for gamers to find and laugh about. While others hide scary and traumatizing Easter Eggs in their games so that gamers truly never forget what horrors they stumbled upon.

This list is about the second kind. The ones that scar you for life.


Forging Drax’s Daggers (Guardians of the Galaxy) in Real Life [Video]

From Man at Arms: Reforged:

Every other Monday, our team of blacksmiths and craftsman build some of your favorite weapons, and some weapons that you’ve never seen before. The guys over at Baltimore Knife and Sword are big fans of Guardians of the Galaxy, so they decided to take on Drax’s Daggers in this week’s episode of Man At Arms: Reforged.

[Awe Me]