Clever Parrot Adjusts Water Temp During Sink Bath [Video]

People sometimes give birds a bad rep as pets, but as you can see from the parrot in this video, that isn’t quite fair. This is the pet equivalent of coming home from work to find your dog prepping dinner for itself by making sure the salt and pepper levels were ‘just right’.

This parrot is nothing if not slightly impressive.

[image via TheNest, Story Via LaughingSquid]

Best News EVER: ‘Adventure Time’ Is Getting Movie From ‘Lego Movie’ Creators


In what may amount to the greatest news ever of all time, seems it has been confirmed that Adventure Time is being made into a full length feature film by the same guys who did the awesometastic Lego Movie. To try to wrap your brain around how fantastic this is will be all but impossible. Just the fact that they are handing it to the Lego Movie guys is such a brilliant step, and you know they will do the material justice for kids and adults alike:

Created by Pendleton Ward at Cartoon Networks Studios, Adventure Time follows the escapades of 12-year-old boy Finn and best friend dog Jake who fight fiercely in a quest to protect their beloved Land of Ooo, usually from the Ice King who is searching high and low for his Princess Bubblegum. The project will be produced by the winning combo of Chris McKay and Roy Lee.

Now if you’ll excuse me guys, I need to go make some bacon pancakes to celebrate this mathematical news!

[Image via KickerDaily, story via DeadlineHollywood]

In Honor of Leonard Nimoy: Star Trek – An Accoustic Tribute [Video]

An absolutely beautiful musical tribute paying homage to Leonard Nimoy by [GAS] friend GC Johnson of Acoustic Labs.

A musical farewell to Leonard Nimoy and other Star Trek greats, Gene Roddenberry, DeForest Kelley, James Doohan, and more. Thank you for creating beautiful worlds and inspiring this one.


Captain America Fights Thor in this Awesome Cosplay Photoshoot [Picture Gallery]


Cosplayers Sharon Rose and Kayley Marie are Captain America and Thor in this awesome cosplay photoshoot by Pennsylvania-based photographer Adrian Gibbs. Even though we all know that Captain America wouldn’t stand a chance against Thor wielding the mighty Mjölnir, I’d still love to see a friendly fight between these two!






If you like what these ladies are doing, be sure to like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter!

Sharon Rose Cosplay (Captain America): (Facebook | Twitter)
Kayley Marie (Thor): (Facebook)
-Photos: Adrian Gibbs Photography (Official Site | Facebook)