Chart Shows You How To Win on Jeopardy



Nathan Yau over FlowingData looked at all the daily double placements over all 31 seasons of this historic game show and worked out an average to where the daily doubles usually fall on Jeopardy. We are not saying you use this chart and get on Jeopardy you could leave a millionaire.

We are telling you it would increase the likelihood of that, though.

[Image, story via i09]

How Do Jeans Get Blue? [Science Video]

Do you ever find yourself wondering why your jeans are blue? Are they sad? Are they attempting to match someone’s eyes? Like all good things, there is science and chemistry behind the whole thing that will have you looking at your jeans in a whole different light.

Keep in mind, they will still be blue, though.

[Image via Zpply, story via LaughingSquid]

These ‘League of Legends’ are Figures Cute and Cool


League of Legends isn’t so much a game for some people as it is a lifestyle choice. To wander a magical world can be more appealing than to wander our 9-5 world. Good news for fans of that franchise, as they recently added a slew of League of Legends vinyl figures to their store.


Recently added to the Riot merch store, these four inch figures gleefully capture the essences of characters folks normally take far more seriously. Just look at my pink-haired friend Vi here. She’s the best. Are those translucent goggles? Nice touch

Yes, they really are. It’s the little touches, really.

[Story, images via Kotaku]

The Crazy Life Of Superhero Action Figures [Picture Gallery]


Photographer Edy Hardjo uses his imagination, his camera, and a little Photoshop magic to bring life to superhero action figures and create amazing images of a reality that unfortunately does not exist. Be sure to check all his photos below, and if you like what you see, go ahead and give him a like on Facebook!









[Source: Hrjoe Photography]