Teens Attempt to Play “Contra” and Fail Miserably [Video]

Watch as a bunch of teens try to go through the first stage of Contra on the NES… and suck really badly at it.

Contra is one of my favorite games on the original NES. I used to go through it without losing a single life, and yes, without using the Konami code. Needless to say, I had to practice A LOT to achieve this!


You Know You Want One: Ripsaw EV2 Extreme Luxury Super Tank [Video]

A quick first look at the Ripsaw EV2 Luxury Super Tank inside and out.

From Ripsawtank:

The Ripsaw EV2 is a handcrafted, limited run, high end, luxury super tank developed for the public and extreme off road recreation. These vehicles take up to 6 months to fabricate and cost well into the 100s of thousands of dollars depending on desired luxury and performance packages.

[Ripsaw EV2 | Howe & Howe | Via Dude I want That]

7 Times Epic Box Art Overpromised Wildly

The one piece of advice my Dad gave me has proven to be incredibly priceless the older and poorer I get: never buy a game based on how badass or cool the box art is, Remy, because that is not often the best representation of the gameplay. I mean, it was very specific advice, but as the box art on these 7 games prove, the old man knew what he was talking about.

[via OutsideXbox]

Build Your Own Set of Automatic Wolverine Claws! [Video]

Now everyone can build their own set of Wolverine-like claws thanks to the Wearable Muscle Sensor Platform. The project is currently up on Kickstarter but has already been fully funded.

The tutorial to build your own claws is available on Makezine.com.

Our tutorial will teach you to build bionic claws using our fourth-generation muscle sensor, the MyoWare. Simply flex your forearm muscle and *SNIKT*, a fraction of a second later the 4 inch claws extend out. Relax your forearm to retract the claws. We’ve even added a muscle-activated locking mechanism in case you want the claws to stay out without keeping your muscle flexed.


4 Awesome New Things In Batman: Arkham Knight – In 2 Minutes

We all know Arkham Knight is going to be a perfect game and as soon as we get it we will not see sunlight for a couple months, so before that happens, use these 2 minutes to find out four things you didn’t know about this (probably) amazing game.

(via Gamespot)