11-Year-Old Girl Challenges Disney World’s Gaston to an Arm Wrestling Match [Video]

Gaston might be the best at doing push-ups, but when it comes to arm wrestling, the man ain’t worth much, even though the 11-year-old that challenged him was kind of cheating… just a bit.

This guy has been all over the Internet lately, does anyone knows if he has a Facebook fan page/Twitter account?

[Peyton Kays]

Elegy for a Dead World: The Stunning Video Game That Teaches Poetry


Video games ARE art, despite what any haters of the medium will want to tell you. Games like Journey and Limbo prove this to be true, and a game like Elegy for a Dead World furthers this idea exponentially.

The best way the game could be described is sort of like those Mad-Lib games you used to play at home, where they would give you whole paragraphs and leave out certain words so you could fill them in yourself. Think that, but placed in a breathtaking, dying world (that is staggeringly rendered and surreal) and you have an idea what’s in store.

The game’s developers Ichiro Lambe and Ziba Scott wanted something uniformly different, and they created it with this amazing game that is available on Steam, right now. The coolest part? You can print out your “poem” at the end of the game, and essentially have en epic poem you wrote laying around to spark up discussion.

Let’s hope more game developers think this far outside the box in the future.

[Elegy for a Dead World | Via Wired]

A Thorough Dissection of the ‘Ant Man’ Trailer

anty manty

Marvel looks to have 2015 locked down pretty hard, movie-wise. Actually, they seem to have the next century planned out, but one of the movies we have to look forward to first is Ant Man. While anything with Paul Rudd has to be a certain amount of awesome, some people do seem to have their doubts.

Thankfully, Meredith Woerner over i09 has gone through the trailer with a fine tooth comb and has pretty much found anything worth noting, and all of it seems to hint at a (hopefully) really good movie. You have Paul Rudd riding a flying ant, for crying out loud. What is there NOT to love?

Essentially, I’m not the only person hoping Ant Man is this year’s Guardians of the Galaxy.

[Source: IO9]