‘Borderlands’ Cell Shaded Jeans in Real Life

The visual style of the game Borderlands is unforgettable. From the cell shading to the wild, stylish color, the game just pops out at you. But have you ever wondered what a pair of pants from Borderlands would look like in real life? Artist Clémontine decided to make a pair in real life for her Etsy […]

Levi Strauss hits the viral jackpot on YouTube

By Mark O’Neill Levi Strauss are celebrating getting onto YouTube’s coveted “most viewed” spot with their “back-flipping jeans” video clip. Since Monday, it has clocked up 1.4 million views and no doubt it isn’t doing any harm to the Levi Strauss sales targets either. The company insists that no trickery was performed. The people in the clip […]