Top 10 Monty Python Characters

No geeks should walk on this earth calling themselves a geek if they have not seen nor appreciated the brilliant humor of Monty Python. For most of us, our love for Monty Python began when we saw the Holy Grail, and just never stopped from there. To pick a TOP character from Monty Python is as difficult as picking your starter Pokemon, so we are just grateful WatchMojo came up with this list and not us.

But we we don’t thumb our nose in this list’s general direction, so that is a good sign.

Top 10 Souls Series Bosses

The bosses in video games are often some of the most memorable (and often most frustrating and most rewarding at same time) parts of video games. We never forget the way they lumber on-screen and freak us out. But no game strikes up sweaty horror in nerds when it comes to video game bosses quite like the Souls series.

Here are the ten best, via WatchMojo

Top 10 Fictional Video Games In Movies

I vividly recall watching the movie Her and wanting desperately to play the video game that JoaquĆ­n Phoenix was working on. It looked so immersive and cool, and unlike most fake video games represented in movies, didn’t look to involve the mass killing of anything. This list understands that urge I had to play games that didn’t exist, and made a whole list around it.

Here are ten video games from movies that we desperately wish were real.
