Jared Leto Reveals Joker Haircut (Kind Of) [Pic]

Everyone in the world (myself included) have been wondering and pondering what Jared Leto’s Joker may end up looking or acting like in the new Suicide Squad movie. Finally, we got something. It may not be much. It may not silence the haters or doubters, but it’s something! The above photo is said to be […]

Captain America Fights Thor in this Awesome Cosplay Photoshoot [Picture Gallery]

Cosplayers Sharon Rose and Kayley Marie are Captain America and Thor in this awesome cosplay photoshoot by Pennsylvania-based photographer Adrian Gibbs. Even though we all know that Captain America wouldn’t stand a chance against Thor wielding the mighty Mjölnir, I’d still love to see a friendly fight between these two! If you like what these […]

Cosplayers on the Edge of Death [Picture Gallery + Video]

Photographer Benjamin Von Wong was interested in picturing the fearlessness of superheroes for his “Superheroes on a Skyscraper” project, so he asked some cosplayers to come along with him on top of a 1000-foot-high building and then he photographed them on the edge of death. I’ve included all of his photos above and below this […]

Man Designs Real-Life Batsuit That Actually Protects You [Pic + Video]

Jackson Gordon, an industrial design student at Philadelphia University, built this awesome Batsuit that will actually protect you in a fight. The thing isn’t bulletproof, but it will absorb hits in a fist fight as well as attacks from other weapons such as bats and knifes. The suits weighs around 25 pounds, and even though […]

This “Red Sonja” Cosplay by “It’s Raining Neon” is Amazing [Pics]

Considering the insane cold wave we’ve been passing through recently over here in North America, I wouldn’t recommend wearing it outside for more than 5 minutes though. Costume, Model, and Photography by It’S Raining Neon. Be sure to check out more of her work over at her Deviantart page and to follow her on Facebook! […]

This Real-Life League of Legends Jinx Gun Features Real Laser and “Lightning-in-a-Jar” Tube [Pics + Video]

Laser enthusiast Patrick Priebe made this really cool real-life Jinx Gun (from League of Legends) using a powerful 1.6-watt blue laser and a “lightning-in-a-jar” chamber using a tube filled with xenon gas. Be sure to watch the video below to learn more about how he made the gun! [LaserGadgets]

The Incredible Cosplay of Katsucon 2015 [Picture Gallery]

Katsucon is one of these events where cosplayers go above and beyond to present some of the most gorgeous costumes we’ve seen. Plus, the location (the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland) is absolutely perfect for photographers, which makes searching for creative commons-licensed pictures of the event an absolute pleasure. Many […]