6 Totally Secret Secrets To Defeating Deadpool

Deadpool, much like any superhero or villain, has his strengths and weaknesses. Strengths being regenerative health, general badassery, and being a master of sass-talk who loves to kill things. Weaknesses being beautiful woman, money, and chimichangas. But how do you take down a self-healing anti hero that is immortal and actually WANTS to die but can’t?

Well, YouTube channel Looper has some interesting ideas, as seen in the video above.

For Honor: The Puddle of Death DLC

From brave warriors to noble cowboys, it is clear the smallest bit of water is the largest threat to many video game characters. For Honor is no exception. Seems like even a puddle of water is far deadlier than any armada anyone can throw at you. Don’t worry about those 200 guys wielding massive weapons to slay you BUT WATCH OUT FOR THE SMALL PUDDLE OF WATER UNDERFOOT AS IS IT WILL BE THE INSTANT DEATH OF YE!

Solid logic displayed by gaming once again.


Video Game Story Time: The Origin of The Legend of Zelda

With Breath of the Wild just around the corner, now seems like a great time to visit one of the coolest stories in Nintendo history. When Shigeru Miyamoto was a child, he’d wander the hillsides of Sonobe Japan. One day, the adventures he went on would become the basis of the very first game in the Legend of Zelda franchise.

[Video Game Story Time]

Study: Smoke Alarm Pitch Too High For Kids

Researchers believe smoke alarms may sound at too high a frequency to wake up children. They are testing a combination of a lower frequency and a female voice.

The project is led by Dave Coss, a fire investigator whose local area covers a house where six children died in a fire despite an alarm sounding. He’s now working with the University of Dundee.

The team has carried out a small study involving 34 children aged two to 13, each sleeping in their own homes. The researchers repeatedly sounded a standard smoke detector while they slept. The Guardian reports that overall the child slept through the alarm 80 percent of the time, with only two children waking up for every alarm.

In a surprising – if not necessarily statistically significant – finding, none of the 14 boys involved in the test woke up for any of the alarm soundings.

When the researchers repeated the experiment with a combination of a lower frequency and a spoken warning in a female voice, the overall “wake-up” rate rose from below 20 percent to 94 percent.

The researchers now want to repeat the study with 500 families to see if the findings hold up.

Officially Licensed Poké Ball Portable Power Bank

For when you’re on the go, here’s a powerbank in the shape of a pokéball! Be the very best, like no one ever was with the Poké Ball Portable Disc Charger!

Charge your tablets and phones with the power of a Poké Ball. You thought they were just for catching Pokémon? You thought wrong. Charger comes with one USB to micro-USB cable. Don’t get stuck in the tall grass without enough power to get you to the next Pokémon Center.

[Poké Ball Portable Disc Charger – $14.99]