Science is Sexy: What is Evolution?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Few things in science cause as much public confusion as the Theory of Evolution.  While a number of great resources have already effectively elucidated the concept, including a video I’ve embedded in this article, I think it is valuable to repeat and expand upon these resources in a public […]

Tetris Theme on Glass Bottles

Originally based on an old Russian poem, Korobeiniki, also known as “the Tetris song” by us westerners, was later arranged by Japanese composer Hirokazu Tanaka to be used in the Game Boy version of Tetris. Since then, the piece has been adapted and played countless times using innumerable musical instruments. The version of Tetris you’re […]

Blogs & the Life of Journalism: Welcome to the Jungle

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Query: What separates man from ape? Perhaps the same thing that separates journalist from blogger. In his 2007 book The Cult of the Amateur, Andrew Keen analogized T.H. Huxley’s “infinite monkey theorem” to the rise of Web 2.0. If you provide infinite monkeys with infinite typewriters, one of them […]

Modded Roomba Lays Down Graffiti for its Brother to Clean Up

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you are familier with iRobot, the people who make the everybody’s favorite robotic vacuum cleaner, you know they are famous for their hacker spirit.  There’s even a hackable version of the Roomba to support the community of tinkerers who have gathered around it. Well iRobot has been doing […]