iVerse Comic Reader: Where No Comic Has Gone Before

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] So far, comics have been a very underutilized media for the iPhone, but it looks like publishers might be considering that option for electronic distribution more and more. Most recently, IDW has released “Star Trek Archives: The Best of Peter David No. 1.” It costs 99 cents through iTunes, […]

NORAD Tracks Santa on Google Earth

Back in 1955, a Sears store had an advertisement listing Santa Claus’ phone number, prompting children to call and speak with the generous old man. Naturally, thousands of children tried to call. What they didn’t know is that the number had been misprinted, and was actually the emergency number for CONAD, NORAD‘s ancestor. The man […]

BREAKING NEWS: Adults Play Video Games!

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Two days ago, the Pew Internet and American Life Project released a report that details the (apparently shocking) phenomenon that about half of American adults play videogames (53%, to be exact). Sounds about right to me, though I just skimmed through a good dozen articles from all over the […]

Shift Happens: Globalization and the Information Age – Remixed

We’ve posted this about two years ago while we were hosted at blogger.com, but since it just got updated with new data and visuals, we thought that it was worth sharing again. Shift Happens: Globalization and the Information Age is a video that shows how information evolves around the globe as time flies by.

Katie Couric Explains the 1-2-3 of romantic texting

Personally, I’m not from the “texting” generation, so this doesn’t really apply to me, but what about you, younger [GAS] readers? Have you ever used texting to declare your love to someone, or in the opposite extreme, dump someone to avoid a potentially disastrous situation? The comments section is open for your stories.