For Mandalore! – Awesome Mandalorian Cosplay Duo by Kimette and Jef [Picture Gallery]

Proof that you don’t have to be in your twenties to enjoy cosplay, here are my friends Kimette and Jef cosplaying as a Mandalorian merc duo. If you want to meet Kimette, she’ll be at Montreal Comic Con on September 13th at the 501st stand (Forteresse impériale du Québec). Hey, even Canadian politician and current […]

The Fabulous Cosplay Photography of David Love [Picture Gallery]

Graphic designer and self-taught photographer David Love takes cosplay photography to the next level by combining his skills from both domain to bring his models into an alternate reality that seems directly pulled from a Hollywood movie. Many thanks to David for giving us his permission to feature some of his best work here! [Source: […]

DragonCon 2014 Cosplay in Pictures [Gallery]

Yes geeks, it’s that time of the year again! As usual, DragonCon took place during Labor Day weekend, and as with last year, we’ve got some pictures of various cosplayers attending the event for you. Many thanks to Pat Loika, Kyle Nishioka, and Flickr user Counse for sharing their pictures with the world via Creative […]

A Collision of Cultures: Cosplaying at the Middle East Comic Con in Dubai [Video]

From Vocativ: To many Westerners, Dubai is a conservative city in a conservative Arab state, which makes it an odd place for a convention of risque Lycra-obsessed cosplayers and over-the-top entertainment. Even more bizarre: In a culture where ladies are told to cover up, Comic Con is attracting women in their droves. And they’re not […]