Stop – Vader Time

What’s better than seeing MC Hammer himself dance to the tune of “Can’t Touch This?” Why, see Lord Vader doing it of course!

For those wondering where this took place, it was during the Star Wars Weekends at the Hollywood Studios theme park in Disney World. The Star Wars Weekends usually take place on the last 2 weeks of May and on the two first weeks of June, so for all you geeks who want to visit Disney World, this is the time to go.

If the first clip wasn’t enough for you, here are a few other ones, for your viewing enjoyment!

Lord Vader dances to Michael Jackson’s Beat It.

Boba Fett dances to Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga.

[Via Buzzfeed]

AWESOME: Tron-Inspired LED Watch

Occasionally, our friends at Tokyo Flash accept concept watch designs from their fans and showcase them on their blog. If enough people show interest, they try and turn the concept into a real product. Check out the one they recently put up on display.

Now all I have to say is: OMG I WANT THIS SO BAD.

If you’d be interested in wearing something like that, be sure to visit this page, rate the product and hit the “yes” button under “Would you buy this product?”

Come See the Deader Side of Sears

Do you need to tone your legs while you lumber? Or maybe keep your brains cool? Or get the blood stains out of your clothes? Apparently zombie shoppers are welcome… at Sears.

If you had asked me “Which major retailer is going to make a major push toward hitting the undead demographic”, I am pretty sure that Sears would not have been at the top of my list. But in what looks like a pretty clever ad campaign, has turned into a one-stop shop for all your zombie needs. Like running shoes, refrigerators, and washing machines. And don’t forget exercise equipment.

I kind of want this campaign to be hugely successful to encourage more cleverness like it. I’m not sure the “Sears” demographic and the “Zombie Enthusiast” demographic overlapped that much, but maybe the whole point is for them to wedge into the growing undead marketplace.  I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall for that pitch meeting.  I hope some geeky college intern was behind it.

Oh, and check out @zombieshopper on Twitter: “Can’t find my arm today. #FML.” I hear they sell those at Sears now.