Want a Working ‘Star Trek’ Communicator? Someone Has Made It So! [PICS]

Star Trek Communicator 2

Better late than never, right??

Pre-orders are now being taken for this officially-licensed WORKING COMMUNICATOR, available at Thinkgeek for $149.95!

According to The Next Web:

It’s being created The Wand Company and is based on structured-light 3D scans of the an original prop. It’s made of pressed and die cast metal, aluminium and textured ABS. It comes with a magnetic charging  stand, which has a multi-coloured LED to indicate charging status.

It hooks up to your smartphone using Bluetooth, and comes with a microphone and speaker, so you can listen to music and make calls.

The Communicators will begin shipping in early January 2016 — by mail, though, not transporter (Get on that, Wand Company!) but you can pre-order them now!

Star Trek Communicator 1

The First Trailer for Con Man is Here! [Video]


The series is a lighthearted take on the personalities, luminaries, comic book stores, and characters they have run into during their years in the sci-fi community and convention circuit, while telling the story of a guy learning to love and embrace his fans. CON MAN centers around the post-show life of Wray Nerely (Alan Tudyk), the pilot and co-star of SPECTRUM, a sci-fi series which was cancelled before it’s time and eventually became a cult classic beloved by fans. Wray’s good friend, Jack Moore (Nathan Fillion) starred in the series and has gone on to become a major celebrity, while Wray continued to struggle to find his big break. While Jack enjoys the life of an A-lister, Wray tours the sci-fi circuit as a guest of conventions, comic book stores, and lots of pop culture events. The show will explore all the weird and crazy things that happen to Wray along the way, while telling the story of a guy learning to love and embrace his fans.

And apparently, it’s going to be awesome… at least Felicia day thinks so saying that the series could “Blow up the world the way Doctor Horrible did.”

That’s good to hear!

[Con Man]

15 Toys And Action Figures That Have Consistently Gone Down In Value


As much as we would all love to pretend that our toys and collectibles are slowly growing in worth, there are some that are just plain awful and actually depreciate over time. Yup, not all your collectibles are collectible, my friend. I09 has more:

G.I. Joe Extreme

Back in the day, G.I. Joe figures were ginormous—until they were relaunched in the 1980s with smaller proportions. Those eventually wound down, after Kenner and Hasbro merged. Post-merger, the company decided to try and recharge G.I. Joe toy sales, the same way they had with the Transformers Beast Wars figures. But, says Kent, “the last thing that GI Joe fans wanted was this new direction – five inch less poseable figures with action features and [Rob] Liefeld proportions. A high quality cartoon and strong marketing program could not make it work.”

The basic way to tell if your figure is gonna be worth more in the future. If it looks like it rode the short bus to action figure school, it is not going up in value. Yes, it is pretty much that simple.

(Image, story i09)

Fan Spoof “Once Upon a Time: The Rock Opera” Will Perform at SDCC 2015! [PICS + VIDEO]

A group of L.A. actors — who are also huge Once Upon a Time nerds — made a popular four-episode spoof series entitled Once Upon A…Anonymous last year that aired on YouTube.

But they didn’t stop there.

After a successful crowdfunding campaign, creator Erin “Queenie” Stegeman turned the series into a musical — a rock opera, to be exact.


Once Upon a Time: The Rock Opera will offer fans an exclusive sneak peek at this weekend’s San Diego Comic-Con when they perform 30 minutes of the musical as part of the Marked Men Party, the official party of San Diego Comic-Con 2015. They hit the stage Friday night at 9pm and will host a meet and greet afterwards. You can buy ticket’s to the party here.

Marked Men



OUAT: TOR stars Erin Stegeman (Emma Swan), Ace Marrero (Captain Hook), Katie Cofield (Snow White), Mark Whitten (Prince Charming), Amiee Conn (Regine, the Evil Queen), and Jeremiah Piesert (Cruella DeVil), with music and lyrics by Erin Stegeman and Katie Cofield, composed by Martin Blasick.

You can keep up-to-date on the project by checking out the official website. You can also check out the first season of Once Upon A…Anonymous below.