Colin Furze Challenges Knight With Motorized Carousel Horse [Video]

Yes, I know, this is quite ridiculous, but when Colin Furze is involved, it’s something to be expected!

The natural progression after building a motorized carousel horse, is to enter it into a knight’s tournament, obviously! Watch as Colin Furze, the inventor behind the Jet Bicycle, Ice Bike and DIY Wolverine claws, takes the motorhorse out of the lab and into a tournament to win the title Lord Furze!

[Field Day]

Watch Space X’s Falcon 9 Rocket New Attempt to Take Off and Land on a Barge [LIVE FEED]

A live feed of Space X’s launching a Falcon 9 rocket to provision the ISS and then attempting to land it intact. This is a live feed, geeks!

Edit: Oups. The rocket blew after 2 minutes and 19 seconds in the air (that was the last time the rocket’s computer sent an update to ground control.) It was shortly before first stage shutdown. More details to come.

Edit 2: There will be a contingency press conference at around 12:30PM EST. Unfortunately, we won’t learn anything new by then.

Edit 3: From Elon Musk:

There was an overpressure event in the upper stage liquid oxygen tank. Data suggests counterintuitive cause. That’s all we can say with confidence right now. Will have more to say following a thorough fault tree analysis.


This CGI Skin Looks Unbelievably Real! [Video]

From the USC Institute for Creative Technologies:

We present a technique for synthesizing the effects of skin microstructure deformation by anisotropically convolving a highresolution displacement map to match normal distribution changes in measured skin samples. We use a 10-micron resolution scanning technique to measure several in vivo skin samples as they are stretched and compressed in different directions, quantifying how stretching smooths the skin and compression makes it rougher. We tabulate the resulting surface normal distributions, and show that convolving a neutral skin microstructure displacement map with blurring and sharpening filters can mimic normal distribution changes and microstructure deformations. We implement the spatially-varying displacement map filtering on the GPU to interactively render the effects of dynamic microgeometry on animated faces obtained from high-resolution facial scans.


Fifteen Minutes into ‘No Man’s Sky’: What Is It Like?


No Man’s Sky looks like a truly original and ambitious game. One which the world has never really seen before. A fully open universe where you can go in any direction and explore the universe with no limitations whatsoever. Thing is, as awesome and ambitious as the game seems, it leaves many gamers scratching their heads. What will we be doing in the actual game?

Luckily, i09 has spent some time with the title and has a pretty good idea (at least based off what they played):

The time I spent playing and watching No Man’s Sky left me feeling like the PS4/PC title will be more meditative than anything else. Yes, there were explosions and dogfights and giant robots bearing down on me during that session. But, as my ship skimmed over the red oceans of one planet and I walked through the mushroom grass and watched overgrown rabbit creatures skip past, I started to think of No Man’s Sky as a giant book that will live inside my PS4. If all goes well, I’ll be able to play through a chapter or two, come away with a weird thing to show for my travels, and compare notes with fellow adventurers. That’s all I want right now.


So those expecting a Star Wars style shooter may be let down, but those who have wanted to explore space and see just how far it goes and what it has to offer might have just found their perfect game.


(Image via i09)

The Schwartz is Strong With These Spaceballs LEGO Models [Pics]


LEGO builder NvdK has uploaded two unique Spaceballs LEGO Models to the LEGO Ideas site so that they can possibly one day become official LEGO sets: the Eagle 5 and Spaceballs One. Both sets look absolutely fantastic, and if you want them to become reality, be sure to head over to LEGO ideas and vote for them!







[LEGO Ideas: Eagle 5Spaceball One | Via NA]

This Deep Fried Big Mac Looks Deliciously Bad for You [Pic + Time-Lapse Video]


I don’t know about you, but I’d eat the hell out of that thing, even though my stomach (and arteries) might hate me later for it.

The recipe is super simple: Make some scrambled eggs, dunk the Big Mac in the mixture, cover with panko crumbs, and then deep fry the whole thing. Om nom nom nom.

Here’s a time-lapse video of the process:

[Peep My Eats | Via Neatorama]