When Double Jumping Goes Too Far [Video]

Ah double jumping, what would we do without it, especially in video games? Double jumping is a common game mechanic that allows players to jump for a second time whilst still in mid air.

But what about double jumping in real life? You might think being able to jump twice might be a useful skill, but this video from the folks over at Nukazooka indicates otherwise.

[Source: Nukazooka on Youtube]

A Tribute to Cinematic Space Trips (1902 – 2015) [Video]

Created by filmmaker Daniel Mcilwraith and Fandor Keyframe, this supercut tribute pays homage to the past 113 years of cinematic space trips, from Georges Méliès’ 1902 French silent film “A Trip to the Moon,” up to Ridley Scott‘s The Martian from 2015. For those interested, I’ll include the full list of movies below:

1902: A Trip to the Moon
1929: Woman in the Moon
1968: 2001: A Space Odyssey
1972: Solaris
1972: Silent Running
1974: Dark Star
1979: Alien
1983: The Right Stuff
1995: Apollo 13
2007: Sunshine
2009: Moon
2013: Gravity
2014: Interstellar
2015: The Martian

[Source: Fandor Keyframe on Vimeo | Via Laughing Squid]

Dorkly Comic: Harry Potter Schools vs. Real High School

A comic by George Rottkamp and Andrew Bridgman from Dorkly that takes a look at some of the differences between the schools in the world of Harry Potter and the ones in our world. Unfortunately, Hogwarts isn’t real, because I’m fairly sure that the highschool experiene there would be a lot more interesting than the one I went through when I was young. Well, at least I did the next best thing to actually attending Hogwarts last summer: I went to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando, which was pretty darn amazing.








[Source: Dorkly]

Audi is Releasing a One-of-a-Kind Final Fantasy XV R8 for $470,000


To celebrate the launch of Final Fantasy XV, Audi is releasing a one-of-a-kind “Star of Lucis” Final Fantasy XV R8, which will be available for purchase in Japan starting November 21 at 10:00am. The car will be priced at 50,000,015 yen (US$469,256) and if you want it, Audi Japan is holding a raffle to give everone who’s interested a chance since there is only one.

The “Audi R8 Star of Lucis” was featured in Kingsglaive Final Fantasy XV, an animated movie that was released last summer in Japan. The movie also had a limited run in the U.S.

Be sure to check out the promo video below as well as a few pictures of the car.










[Audi Japan]

The Perfect Neck Warmer for Mando Mercs: The Boba Fett Blanket Scarf


This Boba Fett blanket scarf will keep your neck warm while hunting Han Solo across the galaxy!

The Boba Fett Blanket Scarf subtly flies your geek flag in a toasty warm wrap around your neck. The scarf comes in Boba Fett’s iconic armor colors, and when completely unfolded, reveals the design of his helmet. Be prepared to hunt down your bounty, even if it means making the trek all the way to Hoth.


[Boba Fett Blanket Scarf]

HULK VS SUPERMAN Epic Battle Trailer [Video]

Youtuber Alex Luthor took some footage of various Hulk and Superman movies, and mashed them together to create a video that simulates an epic battle between the two superheroes. Check it out!

For people who say that the trailer is Fake, well, obviously. I didn’t make this trailer to fool or scam anyone, it’s just a fan trailer. This is just a concept fan trailer for a Hulk vs Superman movie. This was made for fun.

[Source: Alex Luthor on Youtube]

Downloadable “Star Wars Rogue One” Holiday Snowflake Templates

As he does every year, artist and designer Anthony Herrera has created a series of cool Star Wars Rogue holiday snowflake design, and this year, he based his templates on the upcoming “Rogue One” movie. All of these are downloadable for free, and he even has a video tutorial (at the bottom of this post) that will teach you how to create those snowflakes at home! Check ’em all out below!








[Source: Anthony Herrera Designs]

Gotta Catch ‘Em All: Top Ten Pokémon Boss Fights + Maroon 5 Pokémon Music Video

Pokemon is one of those phenomenon that I really didn’t think would have the legs it did. Keep in mind, I am a child of the 90’s, so I was there for its uprising. I also wrote for a site that helped spread the love of these little beasts for years. But had you told me back in those days that in 2016, Pokemon would be even more popular, I would of thought you a liar. Yet here we are, 2016 and Pokemon is on the tongues of more people than it was almost 20 years ago. Hell, Maroon 5 just made a music video about it, for crying out loud.

That said, here are the top ten Pokemon boss fights across the various games and platforms for you fans of Pocket Monsters. See, told you I was an O.G. (original gym leader).


Can We Bottle a Star? Fusion Energy Explained [Science Video]

How does Fusion Energy work and is it a good idea?

Fusion power is energy generated by nuclear fusion. Fusion reactions fuse two lighter atomic nuclei to form a heavier nucleus. It is a major area of plasma physics research that attempts to harness such reactions as a source of large scale sustainable energy. Fusion reactions are how stars transmute matter into energy. [Source]

[Source: Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell on Youtube]