New Rules Restrict ISP Data-Tracking


New FCC rules mean broadband providers can’t track or share a customer’s online activity without permission. But the rules have some major shortcomings, not least that they don’t apply to online services.

Under the new rules, Internet service providers must:

  • get prior permission from customers (ie an opt-in system) to use or share a range of sensitive information including location, health details, financial details, browsing history, message content and app usage;
  • stop using or sharing any other data (except that specifically required for providing service) if a customer requests it (ie an opt-out system);
  • tell customers within 30 days of discovering a data security breach and tell the FCC, FBI and Secret Service within 7 days of a breach affecting at least 5,000 customers.

One obvious limitation is that providers can bury away a permission clause in service terms and conditions, though providers can’t refuse to deal with a customer just because they refuse to agree to such a clause. Another is that the measure doesn’t affect the likes of Google or Facebook as these aren’t under the FCC’s authority.



The Cosplay We’ve All Been Waiting For…HOCUS POCUS! [Pics]

You’re welcome.

(And there’s even Billy Butcherson!)


Hocus-Pocus-3 Hocus-Pocus 4Hocus-Pocus-5 Hocus-Pocus-6



These amazing costumes were all created by the very talented Lauren Matesic of Castle Corsetry. Lauren has been crafting beautiful corsets since 2009 and is still in operation today! Be sure to check her Etsy store out!

-Photography by Joits Photography


-Winifred and Sarah Sanderson by Birds of Play

-Mary Sanderson by Chrissy Lynn

-Poster Edit by Lady Vader Cosplay

How Halloween Pumpkins Are Grown [Video]

You’ve all been duped: that “pumpkin” puree in the can isn’t pumpkin at all, or at least, not the kind you think. Watch this video from “How Does it Grow?” to find out all about how Pumpkins are grown, and what varieties are used to create that puree you use to bake pumpkin pie. Speaking of pumpkin, I still have to carve mine for Halloween, and if you were planning to carve one yourself, now might be the time to get your carving tools out!

[How Does it Grow?]

Halloween 2016 in a Nutshell [Comic]


A fantastic piece of artwork by comic artist C. Cassandra illustrating what Halloween will be like this year. You’ll also notice this trend if you’ve recently visited a pop culture convention. There was about 200 Suicide Squad Harley Quinn cosplayers at Quebec City Comic Con Last weekend, and I’m not even exagerating. I’ve only posted one picture of two ladies wearing the outfit and ignored the rest because there was way too many of them.

[Source: C. Cassandra on Facebook]

Real Life Silver Surfer Surfs The Streets of New York City on an Electric Surfboard

Makeup artist Alexys Fleming recently painted Youtuber Jesse Wellens (Channel: PrankvsPrank) to make him look like Marvel’s Silver Surfer. The man then went surfing through the streets of New York City on a reflective electric silver surfboard. I love seeing the genuine look of amazement on people’s faces as he surfs the street! Check him out in action in the video above!


Death by Gluttony: How Much Candy Would Kill You? [Science Video]

Before you stuff your face with candy until you max out this Halloween, we want you to ask yourself how much is too much. Well folks, in keeping with the dark, spooky atmosphere of late October, we’re taking a look at how many pieces of fun sized candy can kill you – if all eaten in one sitting. Oh and for you candy corn lovers out there, we’re crunches those numbers too.

For those of you out there who want to figure out the oral LD50 (the lethal dose that would kill 50% of a test sample) for yourself fill in the variable “W” with your own weight in pounds:



Post your results down in the comments. Happy Halloween!


Cable: Chronicles of Hope – An X-Men Fan Film [Video]

A fantastic short X-Men fan film featuring Nathan Summers (Cable,) Bishop, Hope Summers, and the character with the best scene of all, Nightcrawler.

Hope is the first mutant to be born after the Decimation, an event in which the Scarlet Witch uses her reality-altering superpower to turn all but 198 of the world’s mutants into regular, depowered humans. The moment Hope is born, the mutant-locating computer Cerebro explodes, and soon afterwards the hunt for her begins. [Source]

[K&K Productions]

NASA Scientists Create Best Jack-o’-Lanterns Ever for Halloween Pumpkin Competition


So you think the pumpkin you just carved for Halloween is pretty awesome, right? Forget it, it’s probably not going to be as awesome as these jack-o’-lanterns created by the folks at NASA. NASA is calling this a competition, it’s just a friendly one and no one will be really crowned “champion.” Check ’em all out below!

[Via Gizmodo]

Negan Terrorizes Blizzard Entertainment for Halloween [Video + Pics]

Back in 2013, we featured René Koiter’s amazing performance as “Khal Drogo” during Blizzard Entertainment’s yearly Halloween costume competition, and this year, the man has done a top notch impersonation of Negan from The Walking Dead. Check it out!

From René Koiter:

This year I was adamant to participate again after watching The Walking Dead’s chilling season 6 finale earlier in the year. It introduced fan-favorite antagonist Negan in a gut-wrenching scene. Next to Game of Thrones, I’m a big fan of the TWD franchise and after the Khal Drogo performance of 2013 I really wanted to do an act based on that series. Negan was it. Mainly due to my dad’s physical similarities to actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan I was compelled to do this character because of likeness. But I also identified some elements of the scene that could work well by incorporating Blizzard gags and elements into the Halloween skit. I took first place! It’s a big honor for me to do a repeat of 2013 where some crazy ideation of mine somehow led to a very cool, collaborative piece in the name of Halloween.




Negan: Rene Koiter aka Khal Drené
Walker: Jaime Scheffler
Make-up: Steven Dwyer aka Tripped Wire
Photography: Kenneth Pfeifer at Kenneth Pfeifer Photography

[René Koiter on Youtube]

Star Wars Imperial Probe Droid Drone [Video]

From Youtuber ajw61185:

This is a build I’ve had on the back burner for a while, but wanted to finish in time for Halloween. It’s based on the same quad I used for the Falcon 9 build (the Blade Inductrix) and is built entirely from 3mm depron foam. The whole body weighs about 50g, and the drone flies reasonably well indoors. Landing is a bit of a challenge, but I made break away mounts for the legs, in case I miss a hand catch. I’ll be linking build photos and drawings in the comments section shortly.

As with all my builds, this is strictly for fun. I do not intend to sell any sort of kit based on this project, although I will be glad to answer questions about the build, and help anyone who is interested create their own. Do not upload my content as your own, and please provide proper attribution if you are sharing it.
