DEAL: Save BIG on LED Flashlights + Other Deals

Having a few flashlights around the house is super useful, especially when electricity goes out or you need to access spots that are a little dark, like the inside of a computer case for instance.

Today, Amazon has a big sale on Rockbirds flashlights, offering two models at super low prices. At those prices, why not have a few and distribute them around your home for maximum convinience?

Save BIG on LED Flashlights

Other Deals

Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition – Professional Grade Chroma Ambidextrous Gaming Mouse, 16,000 DPI$79.99 $59.99

Electric Sonic Toothbrush with Smart Timer$89.99 $19.45

Jurassic World Dinosaur Detection System [Pics + Video]

You have a smoke detector. Depending on where you live, you might have a radon or a carbon monoxide detector in your house, too. What do these threats have in common? They may not occur frequently, but when they do, you need to know immediately, because they all have the ability to do you some pretty severe harm.

And that’s why we here at ThinkGeek World Domination HQ created our deluxe Jurassic World Dinosaur Detection System. It ships with two of the three elements vital to the complicated detection system – you provide the detection medium. Use our patent-pending dinosaur detection system to distinguish between four different threat levels:

Ripple Level 1: Area secure
Ripple Level 2: Possible dinosaur
Ripple Level 3: Dinosaur approaching!
Ripple Level 4: Run! Attack imminent!

Note: ThinkGeek cannot be held responsible for your safety if you wait until Ripple Level 4 to evacuate the area.

[Jurassic World Dinosaur Detection System]

Star Trek Klingon Alphabet Fridge Magnets [Pics + Video]

A Star Trek Klingon Alphabet Fridge Magnets kit by Thinkgeek:

They’re an approachable teaching tool, whether you’re a Klingon toddler or an adult human ThinkGeek manufacturer. Based on KLI pIqaD, these oversized colorful magnets shaped like letters from the Klingon alphabet make learning fun. They stick to any magnetic surface, whether that’s your fridge or your ship’s hull. And this set contains the entire alphabet, with multiples for the more frequently used, plus a few apostrophes. Why delay? Start learning Klingon today!

[Star Trek Klingon Alphabet Fridge Magnets]

Discover Your Real-Life Roleplaying Stats With the 4d6andMe Stat DNA Discovery Kit

Check out the new 4d6andMe Stat DNA Discovery Kit! No need to provide a blood sample, just a small saliva sample. You’ll then be on your way to discover your real-life roleplay attributes (STRength, DEXterity, CONstitution, INTelligence, WISdom, and CHArisma.)

We are excited for you to begin this adventure. Admit it: since the first time you picked up those polyhedral dice, you wondered, “What would my stats look like?” And in the past, it’s been a mystery. But now, with the help of science, you can find out what those random number generators say about you.

Everybody has a D&D story. What’s yours? We can tell you your class, ability scores, ability modifiers, saving throws, skill proficiencies, hit die, passive wisdom, and initiative all on one easy-to-read form – in fact a Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition character sheet! No more arguing over who gets shotgun or who gets to sing along with the radio and who doesn’t. These numbers tell your personal D&D story.

In the LFG tool, you can see relationships between you and and other registered players and compare them with up to five other matches at a time to help you triangulate new players for your next adventure.

And if you want additional information – for instance, whether you’re naturally gifted or its a racial bonus – you can choose to add on additional reports, such as Race and Alignment, for a small fee.

[4d6andMe Stat Discovery Kit]

WANT: Rick and Morty Screaming Sun Alarm Clock [Pic + Video]

This Rick and Morty Screaming Sun Alarm Clock from Thinkgeek might be the best alarm clock of all time:

Sometimes the dulcet sound of birds chirping just isn’t enough to get us up in the morning. We know we have things to do, but the bed sure is warm and cozy. Nothing is going to get us moving more effectively than a clock that doesn’t stop screaming at us for 42 hours. That’ll for sure keep us productive. Or sleep deprived. One of the two.

Bring home your very own screaming sun just like on that planet from “The Wedding Squanchers” episode. When it’s time to wake up, the sun rises above the mountains and starts screaming. Non-stop. That’ll get you out of bed in no time.

[Rick and Morty Screaming Sun Alarm Clock]