6 Foods That Will Make You Smarter [Video]

Great tips, cute geek. So basically, put these 6 ingredients, kale, beets, blueberries, apples, cayenne peppers, and anchovies in a juicer, and it’ll help improve your brain power while keeping it healthy at the same time! Whether you’re studying for a test or just feeling like your brain needs an extra kick, try these foods […]

Science Made a Map of Your Brain. YOU’RE WELCOME.

Four and a half years ago, the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle launched a little project called the Allen Brain Atlas. This week, it’s complete, and thanks to the hard work of an international team led by Michael Hawrylycz, we now have a high-res, searchable 3D map of the human brain. Even better? […]

Symphony of Science – Climate Change: Our Biggest Challenge [Video]

We can do this, we can change the world! A musical investigation into the causes and effects of global climate change and our opportunities to use science to offset it. Featuring Bill Nye, David Attenborough, Richard Alley and Isaac Asimov. “Our Biggest Challenge” is the 16th episode of the Symphony of Science series by melodysheep. […]

Caine’s Arcade 2: The Global Cardboard Challenge & Imagination Foundation

Remember Caine, that kid who built a cardboard arcade and thanks to it, amassed over $200ks in donations to persue a future degree in engineering? Well, things have certainly gone very well for him, so well in fact, that a new foundation was launched in his honor to help kids just like him develop the […]

Holding Together a Quantum Computer with Scotch Tape

Have you sometimes found that when you’re facing a really tough problem, an old kindergarten trick can sometimes work quite perfectly? Well apparently that can extend to quantum computers as well. At the University of Toronto, researchers have combined superconducting materials and semiconducting materials using good, wholesome two-sided Scotch tape. Quantum computing is a highly […]