Earth Gets New Closest “Twin” Planet

The Kepler space telescope has discovered its 1000th exoplanet, including one that’s been described as the most Earth-like to date. Meanwhile astronomers have confirmed the theory that the speed at which a star spins shows its age. Nasa announced this week that Kepler has discovered another eight exoplanets (a planet from outside our solar system), […]

How Building a Black Hole for ‘Interstellar’ Led To an Amazing Scientific Discovery

As I am sure many of you have heard by now, the black hole seen in the Christopher Nolan movie Interstellar is considered the most realistic portrayal of a black hole ever put on film. But did you know, in creating it (and ensuring it was accurate), they also discovered elements to the appearance of a […]

Could the Universe be a Hologram? [Science Video]

Watch as “The Nerdwriter” explains “The Holographic principle,” a theory that says that the universe could be a hologram. The holographic principle was inspired by black hole thermodynamics, which conjectures that the maximal entropy in any region scales with the radius squared, and not cubed as might be expected. In the case of a black […]

The 5 Most Mysterious Sounds Ever Recorded From Space

Let’s make something perfectly clear, right from the start here. ANY unidentifiable sound recorded from deep space is mysterious. I like that these are the five MOST mysterious, but I’m pretty sure even a burp recorded from deep space would be pretty mind blowing. That said, if you are one of those people who believe […]