Nice Guys Don’t Finish Last, They Finish First [Science Video]
It’s scientifically proven: Nice guys (and people!) always end up finishing first, even if it takes them some time to do so. [ASAP Science]
It’s scientifically proven: Nice guys (and people!) always end up finishing first, even if it takes them some time to do so. [ASAP Science]
The Kepler space telescope has discovered its 1000th exoplanet, including one that’s been described as the most Earth-like to date. Meanwhile astronomers have confirmed the theory that the speed at which a star spins shows its age. Nasa announced this week that Kepler has discovered another eight exoplanets (a planet from outside our solar system), […]
Here are 10 big misconception a lot of people have about exercise. 10- No Pain, No gain 9- Maximum Heart Rate = 220-age 8- Cardio burns more calories than weight training 7- If you do enough sit ups, you’ll get a six-pack 6- Calorie counters on exercise machines are accurate 5- You sweat out toxins […]
Did you know there is such a thing as exploding lakes? Well, there is, and judging from the 1986 explosion of Cameroons Lake Nyos, it ended up being quite devastating to the human and animal life surrounding the lake. The science behind it is fairly simple, but it’s a good thing to know in case you […]
As I am sure many of you have heard by now, the black hole seen in the Christopher Nolan movie Interstellar is considered the most realistic portrayal of a black hole ever put on film. But did you know, in creating it (and ensuring it was accurate), they also discovered elements to the appearance of a […]
All the illion’s from Carl Sagan’s Cosmos: Millions, Billions, Trillions and 1 Quadrillion. [bobbyoblog | Via TMS]
Watch as “The Nerdwriter” explains “The Holographic principle,” a theory that says that the universe could be a hologram. The holographic principle was inspired by black hole thermodynamics, which conjectures that the maximal entropy in any region scales with the radius squared, and not cubed as might be expected. In the case of a black […]
Let’s make something perfectly clear, right from the start here. ANY unidentifiable sound recorded from deep space is mysterious. I like that these are the five MOST mysterious, but I’m pretty sure even a burp recorded from deep space would be pretty mind blowing. That said, if you are one of those people who believe […]
Listen as Caleigh Waddell breaks down a question that I’ve been asking myself for a long time: What is dirt (or soil!) made of? The answer varies a lot depending on your location, of course, but this video is a good start. [Mental Floss]
From the American Chemical Society: More bottles of Champagne are popped during the holiday season than at any other time of the year. This week we take a look at what chemically separates a Champagne from just another white wine. [Reactions]