Almost Every Fake Apple Charger Fails Basic Safety Check

Virtually every counterfeit Apple charger in a recent test posed a safety risk. The problem is not with reputable third-party chargers, but rather those falsely marketed as being produced by Apple themselves. The test was carried out by US safety research firm UL on behalf of a British consumer watchdog. It purchased a total of […]

Apple Grabs 104 Percent Of The Smarphone Profit Pie

Apple is estimated to be making 103.6 percent of all the profits in the smartphone market. The seemingly-odd figure is a combination of the methodology and the financial bloodbath caused by the exploding Samsung Note 7. The 103.6 percent figure comes about because, unlike with revenue, it’s very much possible to make negative profits. In […]

Chunk Missing From Apple TV Guide

Apple’s attempts to capture the television market will take an underwhelming step forward this week with the launch of an all-in-one TV guide that won’t feature Netflix. Apple had originally tried to sell TV stations on the idea of producing a single online-based TV service that would negate the need for cable television subscriptions. That […]

Smartwatch Shipments Sliced In Half

The smartwatch market appears to be in a slump with a 50 percent decline in shipments year on year. However, the timing of Apple releases may have somewhat distorted the totals. The figures come from analysts International Data Corporation and cover shipments to retailers rather than sales to consumers, though generally the two are closely […]

UK Cabinet Members Told To Take Off Apple Watches

Britain’s Prime Minister has reportedly banned cabinet members from wearing Apple Watches during meetings. The move is said to be inspired by fears of Russian hackers. The Telegraph newspaper says Theresa May’s decision beefs up an existing policy which meant ministers had to leave their smartphones outside the room during meetings. That was driven by […]