WANT: Star Wars R2-D2 Trashcan


That has to be the coolest trashcan I’ve ever seen!

From Thinkgeek:

Trash is just not that cool. Not only can it be dirty and odorous but it’s simply low-tech and boring.

At least that’s what we used to think… until we saw this amazing Star Wars R2-D2 Trashcan and learned to love trash. This stylish trash receptacle is imported from Japan and is an incredibly detailed replica of R2-D2. Step on R2’s center “foot” and his dome swings wide to collect your expired TPS reports and leftover wookie dung.


[Star Wars R2-D2 Trashcan]

Why Everyone Should be Eating Avocados [Science Video]

Whether they’re in a big bowl of guacamole or scooped on top of your salad, avocados enjoy a special place in our hearts and stomachs. On top of being tasty, avocados are a noted superfood with a number of fantastic health benefits. This week, Reactions has mashed up some fantastic avocado facts, as well as some cooking tips from the pros.


‘Borderlands’ Cell Shaded Jeans in Real Life


The visual style of the game Borderlands is unforgettable. From the cell shading to the wild, stylish color, the game just pops out at you. But have you ever wondered what a pair of pants from Borderlands would look like in real life? Artist Clémontine decided to make a pair in real life for her Etsy shop.

As you can see, the end results are spot-on and look just as cool as they do on-screen. Now she just needs talking guns that can shoot seven rockets at the same time and she will be in FULL Borderlands mode.


(H/T LaughingSquid)

Feast Your Eyes on This Old-School Weather Model


Modern meteorology is nothing short of amazing. The way they can use doppler radar to track a storm front, where it is going, and how long it will be there is a marvel of modern science (even if the weatherman are off here and there), But you take a look at this old school weather model and you realize juts how far they have evolved:

It simulated the growth, movement, and decay of large weather systems from the fundamental laws of physics. This model was the first in a series in which the Laboratory’s computational capabilities were used to study atmospheric processes.

So even if it seems like the weather still has a ways to go before they are 100% accurate all the time, they have come quite far since weather reporting first surfaced. This gif clearly shows that.

(image, story via Gizmodo)