Drunk With Awe: Neil DeGrasse Tyson on The Meaning and Beauty Of Life And Death [Video]

A few days ago, Neil deGrasse Tyson had a very deep conversation with Jason Silva, the host of National Geographic’s Brain Games, about the meaning and beauty of life and death and how death is actually a beautiful thing because it brings meaning to life.

“My knowledge that I will die gives focus and meaning to every day that I am alive.”

Just watch the whole thing, all 7 minutes and 42 seconds of it, it will be well worth your time!

[Source: Jason Silva on Facebook]

Transformers (2007) as a 1950s Monster B-Movie [Video]

If we can believe in Shia LaBeouf saving the world from utter destruction, why not imagine Transformers as a monster flick? This convincing remixed trailer pulls out all the stops to make the 2007 Michael Bay-directed film seem like a monster B-movie from 1950s — complete with emphatic text overlays, an epic musical score and dramatic voiceovers.

[Mashable Watercooler]

Someone Made ‘One Punch Man’ Their Fallout Character


I have to say, Imgur user, you did a pretty awesome job making One Punch Man for Fallout 4. Only problem is, the game is gonna be super easy now because he can beat everything in one punch. Might be a slightly shorter gaming experience for you than most.

Still totally worth it. Great job!