WANT: T-Rex Oven Mitt


From Thinkgeek:

Commemorate the extinction of the dinosaurs with this T. Rex Oven Mitt. It will ensure you get your cookies out of the oven unscathed. It fits most adult human hands (both lefties and righties), and the ridges (rrrrexes have rrrrridges) help you grip the pan. Also, we put a clip on ours, and it looks pretty cool hanging over our oven, as if it’s saying, “Back off. The cookies are ours.”


[Thinkgeek: T-Rex Oven Mitt]

Norman Reedus vs. Hoverboard Zombies [Video]

Sorry, that’s self-balancing two-wheeled boards. :)

From Jimmy Kimmel Live:

Lately the people behind “The Walking Dead” have been bringing more modern elements into the show. When actor Norman Reedus stopped by our show, he provided us with an exclusive clip from an upcoming episode that’s a very good example of that.

[Jimmy Kimmel Live]

NintenBRO: The Kid We ALL Wanted To Be in 1989

bro storm

Seriously. Whoever posted this to Reddit, yes. Yes we did all want to be him. Just glad we are at a place in our lives where we can look back and laugh.

But once, a long, long time ago, this kid was the coolest kid who never existed. I call him the NintenBRO. Feel free to do the same. I think he would be proud of it.


Sneaky Zebra’s London Super Comic Con (LSCC) 2016 Cosplay Music Video is Here!

My pals from Sneaky Zebra have just released their latest cosplay music video from London Super Comic Con 2016. You’ll notice that several of the shots in there look very similar to the photos I posted a few days ago, but it’s because they were taken by the same guys! :)

It’s the first Comic Con of 2016 for us and what better way then the awesome London Super Comic Con – great atmosphere, fantastic guests and of course some amazing cosplays! Arm’d with our trust Flycam and camera we took to the con floor in between hosting out panels and we also sponsored the Open Masquerade.

[Sneaky Zebra]

Deadpool’s Hilarious Message to Academy Awards Voters

Too bad Deadpool is ineligible since it was released after the calendar year of consideration!

[Source: Ryan Reynolds on Twitter]

Boston Dynamics’ Next Generation Atlas Humanoid Robot is INCREDIBLE! [Video]

I, for one, welcome our new atlas robot overlords.

Be sure to check out the sequence at around 1:21. Bullying that poor robot was just wrong. Robots have rights too, just like the synths in Fallout 4! :) #teamrailroad

A new version of Atlas, designed to operate outdoors and inside buildings. It is specialized for mobile manipulation. It is electrically powered and hydraulically actuated. It uses sensors in its body and legs to balance and LIDAR and stereo sensors in its head to avoid obstacles, assess the terrain, help with navigation and manipulate objects. This version of Atlas is about 5′ 9″ tall (about a head shorter than the DRC Atlas) and weighs 180 lbs.

Now just try to picture what thing thing will be able to accomplish in 10 years. Frightening, isn’t it?

[Boston Dynamics]