Pokemon Developers Spills Beans on What It Is Like Inside Pokeball (Hint, Tardis)


Any fan of Pokemon with at least a tiny bit of empathy must have spent some time wondering what life inside a Pokeball is like for Pokemon. Are these poor, subservient creatures folded down like origami and jammed into a tiny ball like a baby cow in a cage waiting to be turned into veal or is the inside of a Pokeball different than what we assume?

According to one of Pokemon Moon’s developers, Junichi Masuda, it is not nearly as bad as we assume. Via Kotaku:

“I think it’s safe to say that it’s very comfortable inside inside of a Pokeball, it’s a very comfortable environment,” Masuda laughed. “Maybe the equivalent of a high-end suite room in a fancy hotel.”

So there is the saddest reality of all. Pokemon live better than most of us.

The Tale of a Hoarder living in Skyrim [Pics]

Here is the fascinating tale of a hoarder that chose to occupy Whiterun (Skyrim) by dumping all his trash in front of Breezehome, a purchasable house that is located near the entrance of the city.

From NinjaPuker:

My 200 lb inventory was filled before I had my key to Breezehome so I claimed it by putting everything on the front porch


Then my inventory filled again before I had the key


After collecting 600 pounds of trash, I had the option to get the key but did not. I had in mind to claim Whiterun as my own.


It quickly started impending pedestrian traffic


After a certain point, the pile started glitching the ground, making me go under it when attempting to cross it.


In addition to Breezehome, I now own the forge (at this point I had 8 fps in town, wherever I was)


This is as far as I could go with my plan to claim Whiterun.
The game engine has some flaws that make the game crash when you cross a treshold of how many items it has to track in a certain area. RIP dream :(


[NinjaPuker on Imgur]

Gaze of Hungry Raccoons Looks Just Like a Horde of Zombies

If you watch The Walking Dead, you’ve seen how caged zombies walkers react when regular people pass by them: they slip their hands through anything that might let them reach their prey. This is exactly what happens with a group of raccoon that chose to establish their den under someone’s front porch.

Oh, and yes, a group of Raccoons is called a “Gaze.” Just learned that today.



Yep, raccoons are just like walkers.

[Source: LeeroyFistums on Imgur | Via Nerdist]

The Fabulous Cosplay of Quebec City Comic Con 2016 – Part II [Picture Gallery]

The Scooby Gang - Quebec City Comiccon 2016 - Photo by Geeks are Sexy

As mentionned yesterday, here is the second part of our pictures from Quebec City Comic Con 2016. For those of you who missed part I, you can check it out right here. As usual, if you see yourself in our picture gallery, be sure to let us know in the comments!

With over 10,000 people in attendance, “Le Comiccon de Québec” was a huge success once again this year, which marked the 3rd edition of the convention! See you again in 2017, Quebec City!

And now, without further ado, here is the last part of our photos!

Video Game Store Charges For PlayStationVR Demos


A video game retailer is charging up to $18 for customers to demo the PlayStationVR headset. As you’d expect, it’s gone down badly.

A video game store in the United Kingdom is offering a 10-minute trial of the headset in stores for £5 or customers can pay £15 for a 30-minute session. That’s roughly equivalent to US$6 and US$18 respectively.

The charge is being made by the store rather than Sony, which is conducting its own trial sessions around the country without any charge. the store says any customers who do take up the trial will receive the money back as a discount if they go on to buy the headset at £350. However, it appears this only applies for on-the-spot purchases right after the demo.

While some have questioned whether making such charges is a breach of the relevant End User Licensing Agreements, Sony has simply said charging for the demos is something done at the retailer’s discretion.

Editor’s note: My son played “Until Dawn” on the PlayStationVR for free at Quebec City Comic Con 2017, and he really, really liked the experience. Now he’s trying to get me to buy one, but at $400 USD, he’ll have to wait.

This Dog Sounds Just Like a Tie Fighter From Star Wars [Video]

As geeks, we’ve almost all heard the sound, the “whoosh” of a tie fighter as it crosses an X-Wing when engaged in a dogfight. Yeah, we know, in space nothing is supposed to make any sound, but cinematic space battles would just be super boring that way.

Now, take 33 seconds of your time and listen to Geraldine the dog as she barks. Kind of.

[Source: Andrew Saunders on Youtube | Via]

Still Playing Pokémon Go? Check Out The Game’s Halloween Promotion!

So you’ve stopped playing Pokémon Go because you cannot get enough candies to evolve your favorite Pokémon? From October 26 through November 1, 2016, Niantic will start increasing the number of candies you get across the game, just like during real Halloween! The spawn rate for “spooky” Pokémon will increase as well, so if you’re looking for Zubats, Haunters, and Drowzees (and their evolved forms,) now will be the time to start playing again!

[Pokémon GO on Youtube]

DOCTOR STRANGE Gets a Really, Really Weird Trailer [Video]

An Aldo Jones Weird Doctor Strange Trailer for the anticipated and upcoming Marvel movie, Doctor Strange (2016).

If you can find all heroes’ weapons hidden in this parody video and leave the details of where you spotted them in the comments (on Youtube), Also Jones will include YOUR face in his next weird trailer! A lot of people seem to have discovered three of them, but there’s probably more.

Captain America’s Shield is at 0:09, Thor’s Mjölnir is at 0:31 and the Batarang is at 0:42.

[Source: Aldo Jones on Youtube]

Robots Programmed to Kill! [Short Film]

After being accidentally transported away from its master to a dangerous junkyard, Cozmo the friendly robot faces the fight of his life to save himself and other friendly robots from a certain doom.

For those interested, the hero of this film is Anki’s Cozmo robot.

Cozmo doesn’t just move; he gets curious and explores. He doesn’t just learn; he plots and plans. He doesn’t just see you; he gets to know you. So call him self-aware, call him almost human. Just don’t call him a toy. He’s a supercomputer on treads. And he’s fun on a whole new level.

[Source: Corridor Digital on Youtube]