10 Cheapest Fighting Games Boss Battles

Here is the thing about final bosses in all fighting games:

They cheese.

They really do. They spam you with cheese moves into the corner then they beat you relentlessly. This has been common in fighting games since their inception. But which fighting games have the cheesiest, toughest (natch, almost unbeatable) final bosses?

This list will conclusively show you who are the worst offenders from fighting games.


Steam-Powered Entropy Calibrator Watch

This steampunk watch might not be really steam-powered, but it does look very steampunkish!

For you, we humbly offer this stunning apparatus of rare mid-Victorian invention. It measures the decay of time using Carnot’s second law of thermodynamics, and sports a handsome “Galvanic Scale” dial with a hinged magnetic-fastening pressure cover hatch. The entire apparatus is hinged to a pewter bracelet adorned with copper coils and plastic pipes, with an adjustable steel fastener for a bespoke fit. And should you find the occasion to offer the Steam-Powered Entropy Calibrator Watch as a gift, you’ll find it most afternoonified upon a hexagonal pillow inside a black and gold gift box of the same shape.

[Steam-Powered Entropy Calibrator Watch]

Montreal Comiccon 2017 Cosplay in Pictures – Friday! [Gallery]

Yesterday marked the start of the 12th edition of Montreal Comiccon (2017), and as I’ve been doing since 2011, I was on site to cover the event for you guys. For this year, I’ll be there the whole weekend, and for the first time, I actually have a small booth! Thanks to Denis from Cinemaniax for leaving me a spot on the side of his table! If you’re passing by, be sure to stop and chat! I normally wouldn’t post my pics tonight, but since so many of you are waiting after them, I’ll get to bed a little later than usual so you can all view them tonight or tomorrow!

I’ll also update the description of all pictures later. Photos from Saturday and Sunday will be coming on Sunday and Monday, so be sure to come back to check them out!

Artist Mashes Up Cthulhu and Pop Culture to Create Adorable Amigurumi


Artist Mari Axel, the person behind Kutuleras, an Etsy store that sells fantastic crocheted creations, mashed up characters from the world of Cthulhu and pop culture in general to create adorable amigurumis that might possibly steal your sold if you ever decide to acquire one. Here are a few of our favorites:







Horizon Zero Evil of the Nioh Wild: Top 15 Best Games of 2017 So Far

2017 has been a banner year for gaming. We are only halfway through the year and I can already tell you that this  year has been one of the best for console gaming in a very long time. But with so many amazing games out there, which ones are the very best of 2017, so far?

From the genuine frights of RE7 to the jaw-dropping landscapes of Breath of the Wild, here are the best games that have come out so far this year.

Editor’s note: Some will not agree with Mass Effect: Andromeda being in this list, but as far as I’m concerned, I enjoyed the game quite a bit.
