Ever Wonder What English Sounds Like to Foreigners?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Well you could ask our French-speaking blog boss, Yan, for his take…but why waste a perfect opportunity to watch a viral video? This crazy song was written by Adriano Celantano in 1972 to show English-speakers what they sound like to un-comprehending foreigners.  If you kind of zone out […]

The bed that made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs

From Kayla Kromer, creator of the famed Hamburger Bed, comes a must-have bed for Star Wars fans: The Millennium Falcon. Like the “real” Falcon, the bed features hidden compartments (for smuggling, though I didn’t think I’d have to smuggle myself in them) working headlights, and a radar dish pillow (try not to knock it off […]