Awesome Old/New RoboCop Scene Re-Enactment [Video]

Warning: Video contains harsh/strong language. Viewer discretion is advised. Today, we live in a corrupt culture with many problems stemming in part from miss-guided values. One of those is that society does not appreciate real art. Real art has a message and real art should be valued and protected from corruption. [comicbookgirl19 | Via IO9]

What Each Country Leads the World In [Pic]

A lot of people are going to feel a little insulted after looking at this map of what each country leads the world in according to the Doghouse Diaries (and plenty of other sources apparently). As far as I’m concerned, maple Syrup and Asteroid Impacts? Really? Nothing about lumberjacks, being overly polite, and mounted policemen? […]

Woman Recreates 15th Century Flemish Portraits in Lavatory [Pics]

Frequent flier Nina Katchadourian wastes time by locking herself in airplane lavatories and transforming herself into 15th century-style Flemish portraits. Her “Lavatory Self-Portraits in the Flemish Style” are part of a bigger series called “Seat Assignment,” “which is based on improvising with materials close at hand while in-flight.” This may be one of the greatest […]