Terrifying “Resident Evil” William Birkin Mutation Cosplay [Pics]

Holy crap! This first stage William Birkin mutation cosplay from “Resident Evil” by cosplayer Gai is terrifyingly well made! If this seems to be familiar to you, it might be because we posted the “stage 2” version of this cosplay last year. gaiさん( @gai_JRS )とてもリアルで目が合った時に緊張するくらいで細部まで忠実に再現されていて凄かったです✨😆 pic.twitter.com/xfgJiGituL — こう (@m_ko_1) August 8, 2016 [Source: Zan_Woo on […]

Overwatch Drops Sudden Death, Expands Rankings

Overwatch is getting a revamp of its competitive online mode. There’ll be no more sudden death and the rankings system is being tweaked to be more informative about a player’s level. The changes will take effect in the second “season” of competitive play. One big difference is to the scoring for rankings. For season one, […]