Meet the Man Who Settled Catan [Video]

Move over Monopoly, there’s a newer board game in town. “Settlers of Catan,” a game night classic modeled after the Vikings’ journey to Iceland, has sold over 24 million copies since its release in 1994. Creator Klaus Teuber lives in Germany, where running the Catan empire has become a family affair and a global operation. […]

WANT: Fallout Monopoly Collector’s Edition

Yes ladies and gentlegeeks, the classic Monopoly game finally comes to the wasteland! A Monopoly game for after the bombs fall! Featuring a custom Monopoly board with locations from all four Fallout games, six collectible Fallout-themed tokens, the Vault Dweller’s Survival Guide and You’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L. cards to replace Chance & Community Chest cards, and of […]