Pay What You Want For Up to 24 Party Games (And Support Charity!)

Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission if you buy something through our posts. Party games usually make parties a success, and for a limited time, Humble Bundle is offering the HUMBLE JACKBOX PARTY BUNDLE 2019, featuring up to 24 games, for a ridiculous amount. $155 worth of awesome stuff for […]

Recreating the Sea Salt Ice Cream Bars from Kingdom Hearts II in Real Life

From Binging with Babish: Kingdom Hearts is the unlikely Disney crossover RPG that has a serious predilection for neon-teal ice cream bars – or so I’m told. I’ve never played it 😳but I am your humble servant in the recreation of the foods from fiction, so as always, I’ll do my darnedest! Let’s start with […]