Better Than Black Friday: The BEST 2018 Online CYBER MONDAY Deals! (UPDATED!)

Cyber Monday Deals So this year again, right after the crazy that is Black Friday, here comes Cyber Monday! As with last week, here is our selection of deals for today. We’ll make sure to update this post a few times during the day and add new deals when we find them, so be sure […]

Montreal Mini-Comiccon 2018: Where the Holidays Meet Cosplay

Each year, the folks behind Montreal Comiccon organize a free holiday version of the event (Montreal Mini-Comiccon) where cosplayers and shoppers alike meet to partake in a celebration of pop culture and joy. Naturally, my beloved and I were on site to photograph your favorite characters in Christmas attire. Here is our picture gallery of […]

AMAZING Black Friday Deals Keep Coming In For the WEEKEND!

Even though Black Friday is “over”, there’s still a lot of new awesome new deals on the web this weekend! Check these out! –The C64 Mini (64 games + Play your OWN downloaded from the Internet) – $79.99 $59.99 –Tello Quadcopter Drone With Camera and VR Headset compatibility – $99.00 $79.00 –GOOLOO 800A Peak 18000mAh […]

The Best Board Game Sale Ever is on Right Now!

Amazon’s Black Friday board game sale might might not be the biggest, but it’s certainly the best title-wise! They’re offering some of the best games for geeks at the lowest price I’ve ever seen them. You can get games such as Ticket to Ride, Catan, Carcasonne, Pandemic and Pandemic Legacy, Star Wars Armada, and tons […]

10,000 Zombies vs. Giant Spinning Blade = World’s Grossest Blender [Video]

Will it blend? Just watch! Warning: Gore, obviously. From: Brilliant Game Studios: Tech demonstration of our new GPU accelerated dismemberment and procedural wounding system. Limbs can be cut off on a massive scale. Wound from getting hit appear as deep gouges which warp their mesh. [brilliantgamestudios]