The Wedding Party Has a “Wedding Party” Down the Aisle

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] All I can say is HATS OFF to this awesome group of young people.  Not only can they all dance, but you can tell just how happy they are from their great attitude.  If only all weddings went this way (or this well). What do you think of […]

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] I have a long history with Harry Potter – getting the books at midnight (and reading them in the eight or so hours immediately following), going to line parties for some of the film premieres, dressing as Tonks for Halloween, even writing law review articles about fandom. I point […]

This is Why You’re Fat: The Original Bacon Explosion

To keep on going with our series of posts on super-unhealthy food, let us present you the arteries-clogging Original Bacon Explosion: Unfortunately, the inventor of this life-threatening delicacy didn’t list the recipe’s dietary values, but if our guess is right, this thing probably has a few 1000’s calories along with way too many grams of […]