Must-Listen: A Few Words of Wisdom from Steve Jobs [Video]

The man may now be in the iClouds, but in the eye of today’s civilization, he will live forever. Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities […]

Steampunk Week at Tor + Amazing Deals on E-Books!

Scifi and fantasy publisher Tor is celebrating the fledgling mainstream success of steampunk by dedicating a week to the genre at their website, with articles by popular bloggers and writers, as well as sweepstakes and contests. They’re also offering a week-long deal on their steampunk titles for $2.99 on e-book formats, including Boneshaker by Cherie […]

An Original Apple 1 Birthday Cake [Pic]

We don’t know who Carl is or who made this cake for him, but it’s probably safe to say that his thirtieth birthday was pretty awesome, at least where cake is concerned. Complete with awkwardly positioned caps lock and super-advanced angle irons, this cake is a pretty good edible rendition of the original Apple 1.–which, […]