Rainn Wilson and James Gunn (Super) Meet Real-Life Superhero Phoenix Jones

You guys remember Phoenix Jones? That real-life superhero that patrols the streets of Seattle looking for villains? Well Mr. Jones, along with his crime-fighting buddy Pitch Black, made a surprise appearance at Emerald City Comic con during a panel featuring Rainn Wilson and James Gunn. Hilarity ensues. [Via TDW]

Charlie Sheen: The New Chuck Norris? #tigerblood

I’m sure you’ve all heard of Charlie Sheen’s recent “exploits” by now, right? Well, it looks like Mr. Sheen is trying to become the new Chuck Norris, or something… “I don’t cook food, I will it?” Sounds awfully like a wannabe Chuck Norris quote to me! Drop it Charlie, you’ll never be as awesome as […]

Report claims lower prices the only solution to global piracy

What’s billed as the “first independent, large-scale study of music, film and software piracy in emerging economies” has come to a remarkably simple conclusion: people in poorer nations pirate content because buying it is too expensive. The main logic of the report by the Social Science Research Council is that media piracy comes about where […]

Comic book dealer faces ultimate punishment

An alleged methamphetamine dealer may have his comic book collection seized by the US government. But this isn’t just a case of the legal system taking away a couple of issues in the style of a disappointed parent disciplining a troublesome youth. Instead it’s a proposed seizure of around $500,000 in what prosecutors call criminal […]