Remote Controlled iPads on Segways

This seems like one of those things that could be really useful, or could make us ever so fatter. Startup company in California, Double Robotics has decided that they want to revolutionise video conferencing with their product they’ve simply named “Double”. They’ve created this little mobile iPad stand that can be remote-controlled via an iPhone, iPad, […]

Harp Twins Play Skyrim/Morrowind Medley [Video]

Gorgeous identical twins, Camille and Kennerly, have done a series of beautiful electric harp duets together. This one is a harmonious arrangement of some of The Elder Scrolls theme songs. Beautiful girls in beautiful locations making beautiful music…sit back and relax. They recommend listening with headphones for “a more complex sound and fuller bass lines.” […]

Facebook to (Finally) Start Deleting Your Photos

It seems Facebook has finally said they’ll be deleting photos within a “reasonable period of time”. If you didn’t realise, Facebook’s systems were keeping some photos on their content delivery networks (CDN) for as long as three years after you deleted them. So even though you ‘deleted’ those late-night not-so-sober photos from Facebook, they could […]