Electronic Passports Hacked Within Minutes, Engineer Says

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] They’re billed as an international security solution, but the high-tech electronic passports developed after 9/11 may be easier to forge than their ink-and-paper counterparts. The passports, issued by the U.S. and 44 other countries, feature embedded microchips that contain the owner’s data. They were designed to boost protection against […]

What Does #080808 Mean to You? [Twitter Culture]

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Does it mean athletic competition, international relations, or human rights issues? What is this mysterious numeric sequence? Well, if you’re a Twitter user, it’s a special tag that lets you join in on a unique global campaign. Today Twitter recognized the #080808 movement that has suddenly popped up all […]

Catch a flick or two in the YouTube screening room

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you feel like catching a quick short movie then you might want to consider taking a look at the YouTube Screening Room. The Screening Room contains short movies of ten minutes or less, written, produced and directed by rising stars.    According to YouTube, such movies are usually played […]

“Anonymous” Rallies for a Second Assault on Scientology

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] It would seem to most casual surfers of the Internet that the battle that once roared between The “Church” of Scientology and the group called “Anonymous” all but fizzled out.  While Guy Fawkes mask-wearing protesters are still occasionally sighted outside of Dianetics centers, the oddly named group doesn’t make […]