Office worker jailed for exposing his ex-boss’s private emails

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] A Spanish office worker has been jailed for two years after he “hacked” into the computer of his ex-boss, retrieved hundreds of emails that the man had deleted and then sent them on to lots of other people. The emails were said to be “highly personal” and contained details […]

The price of Internet integrity: Lower than you might think

By PatB Contributing Writer, [GAS] The Internet, and especially blogs, are quickly becoming recognized as a great source of debate and opinion on controversial topics.  Stories that begin in the mainstream media often spill over to blogs for discussion, and more and more often now, people form their own opinions after reading both sides of […]

8300 Scottish schoolchildren to be biometrically fingerprinted

By Mark O’Neill
Contributing Writer, [GAS]

A political row is erupting in Scotland after it emerged that 8,300 Scottish schoolchildren are to be biometrically fingerprinted at a cost of 20,000 pounds ($37,300) per school per year. As well as the staggering cost, angry parents are also voicing their opposition to the Big Brother privacy intrusions into their children’s lives.

It’s all part of a pilot scheme which is being tested at eight secondary schools (high schools) at East Dunbartonshire. Supporters of the scheme are citing the advantages of the fingerprinting database including class attendance monitoring, better monitoring of library book borrowing and the buying of school meals (and the end of stigma for those who receive free meals).

How elderly people see television remotes

Let’s admit it, most elderly people can’t handle today’s “new fangled” television remotes. They all think that they’ll break something if they hit a button they’ve never touched before. Even my parents, who are in their mid-60s, look like complete idiots when trying to switch from one television channel to another. They’re so slow to […]