Ryan Reynolds Approves: When Pikachu Meets Deadpool, Pikapool Emerges [Pic]

Ryan Reynold recently posted this on Instagram, and I have to say, mixing Deadpool to about any characters that exist can only lead to awesomeness. Except for Barney. No one want to see Barneypool become a thing, unless it’s Deadbarney. Oh, and the Teletubbies too.

#MaximumEffort — Just found out who did this… @zbrushatpixologic

Une photo publiée par Ryan Reynolds (@vancityreynolds) le

[Source: zbrushatpixologic | Ryan Reynolds | Via NA]

Super Deadpool Bros. [Comic]

A Deadpool mushroom in Super Mario Bros. Now how EPIC would that be?


Oh, and let’s not forget about flying tacos… we need those too. And chimichanga missiles.

Oh so delicious tacos and chimichanga. That’s it, it’s 8AM as I’m writing this on a Saturday morning, and I’m hungry now for things I shouldn’t eat for breakfast.

[Source: King of Slackers]

WANT: Shark Plush Slippers for Grown Ups


You know you want a pair, come on, admit it. Too bad there’s no attached rockets to propel you while you’re wearing them though. Oh, and for the rest of the day, they’re just $12.99 (48% Off) at Thinkgeek.

These Chomping Shark Plush Slippers look just like Great White Sharks, and in order to wear them you must slip your foot deep into the sharks’ bellies (accessed via the little known secret hatch behind every shark’s dorsal fin). Will your feet emerge unscathed? Maybe. Will they be cozy and comfortable? Definitely!


[Shark Plush Slippers for Grown Ups$24.99 $12.99 (48% Off)]

Should We Bring Extinct Animals Back to Life If We Can?

Well, I think if any of you are looking at the title of this video and article, you must have flirted with the same thought as me for at least ONE second. Something along the lines of “Hell no, didn’t you see Jurassic Park!?” But in all actuality, the truth of the scientific weight of bringing back extinct species can be argued from both sides. The scientific questions are varied, and this video from Life Noggin does a rather fantastic job at going into the issue a little further.

I still say HELL NO. This time, using Jurassic World as my example:

I rest my case.

(H/T LaughingSquid)

Simpsons Time: The Simpsons Parodies “Adventure Time” in Newest Couch Gag [Video]

The Simpsons likes to make fun of all sorts of pop culture phenomenons in their couch gag intros, and this week, for the “Monty Burns’ Fleeing Circus” episode, the show decided to parody “Adventure Time.” Check it out below!

“Monty Burns’ Fleeing Circus” will air on Sunday, September 25th as the opening episode for Season 28. But no need to wait, you can watch the gag right here!

[Animation on FOX]

The Legend of Zelda as a Studio Ghibli Movie [Video]


Artist Matt Vince inspired himself from various Zelda x Ghibli posters he created a while ago to animate his vision of what a Legend of Zelda would look like after going through the minds of the artists working at Studio Ghibli. Needless to say, this is only the vision of a fan and will likely never see the light of day as a full length film. Check it out below!

[matt vince]

Tesla Sues For Right To Sell Own Cars


Tesla is suing Michigan state officials for the right to sell cars directly to customers. It’s the first time it’s explicitly challenged existing laws that mandate third-party dealers, something Tesla says is outdated.

Many states have laws which ban manufacturers selling directly to customers rather than through franchised dealers. The most common argument for such laws is that it creates competition between dealers on price and service, avoiding the risk of manufacturers effectively holding a monopoly on selling their models.

Tesla disagrees in both practice and principle. In practice it says its business is different to ordinary gas cars because selling electric vehicles involves educating buyers on the technology rather than just promoting an individual model. On principle it says cars shouldn’t have a special exemption from the idea of free trade and points to the way Apple is perfectly at liberty to open its own stores selling its gadgets.

While Tesla has previously taken the issue to court in several states, in those cases it was suing for the right to be authorized as an auto dealer (which could then stock Tesla vehicles.) Those cases usually end up with the court saying the state was correct to reject the dealership license because the laws require a valid contract between a dealer and manufacturer, something that’s not possible when one company plays both roles.

Now Tesla is expressly challenging the legality of the law itself in Michigan. It says the law breaches measures in the Fourteenth Amendment. Although the amendment was mainly about establishing equal protection under the law in the wake of the abolition of slavery, Tesla is arguing that it is not getting the same legal rights and protection as manufacturers from other industries.

It’s also pointing to the constitution’s ‘Commerce Clause’ which previous cases have interpreted as meaning states can’t pass laws that unfairly restrict interstate trade. One law professor told the Detroit News that Tesla could argue the Michigan law unfairly favors dealerships based in the state.

This Live-Action “Ghost in the Shell” Fan Trailer is Perfection [Video]


You’ve seen the 5 short trailers released by the official “Ghost in the Shell” twitter account yesterday, and today, a fan used the 5 trailers and created something much better, using the music from the original anime that was released in 1995. Check it out below!

What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below!

[Tim Gonzales]