Misremembering: How Our Brains Lie to Us [Videos]

Our friends at the World Science Festival, who gave us those awesome geek jobs we talked about earlier this month, sent in their newest video from The Unbearable Lightness of Memory, an ongoing series which shines light on memory from a molecular, psychological, and emotional perspective. This particular video, “The Fiction in Our Identity”, discusses misattribution […]

Cast Your Vote in the Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest

The sixth annual Scientific Integrity Editorial Cartoon Contest is on! The event is sponsored by the Union of Concerned Scientists, whch seeks to “raise awareness about the consequences of political interference in science in an accessible way—and this issue is certainly fertile ground for satire.” Entries to the contest (shown below) are available as a […]

The Radioactive Orchestra [Video]

To help illustrate the process of radioactive decay, Swedish nuclear scientists and musicians teamed up and formed the Radioactive Orchestra, which translate the isotopes’ different energy levels into sound frequencies. The result is questionable in terms of listen-ability, but the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology and the Nuclear Safety & Training organization’s project overall is […]

Microbots Are Frighteningly Lifelike [Video]

These millimeter-long microbots can swim and move other, heavier objects. Made up of grouped microparticles and powered by magnets, they arrange into tiny little starbursts and kind of swim around… then, because they can, the microbots unhinge their jaws(?!) and grab non-magnetic objects and move them about. In fact, it’s eerily similar to watching a […]

Zoomable Apollo Lunar Landing Panoramas

Apollo Surface Panoramas houses the photographic panoramas taken by the Apollo astronauts while hanging out on the Moon. The imagess are stitched together from individual 70mm Hasselblad frames, which you can also find in the Lunar and Planetary Institute’s online catalog. To explore the 32-megapixel images, just use the pan and zoom controls at the […]