The Cycloid Drawing Machine: A Fascinating Spirograph Creator

Since childhood, most geeks have been attracted to the Spirograph. Simple enough in execution, but exquisite in detail, they are science, math, art, and geometric magic, all merged in one. Joe Freedman of Leaf may have taken that appreciation of the Spirograph even further with his remarkable Cycloid Drawing Machine. So what is a Cycloid […]

Followup: The Star Trek Transporter is a Suicide Box [Video]

If you follow this blog, you’ve surely seen CGP Grey’s awesome video about teleportation. The video is super interesting, but there’s one thing the Youtuber forgot to cover: the fact that there’s no cloning in Quantum Mechanics. It is impossible to create an identical copy of a quantum state without destroying the original – in […]

What Is Up With “Glimmers” on Titan’s Surface: A Theory

For those who don’t know, Titan is the 6th moon of Saturn, and we know VERY little about it, though our collective intelligent appetites are whet. What has us all even more enamored is the fact that recent photos from N.A.S.A have shown very distinct glimmers on the surface. What are they? The question of […]

The Terrifying Implications of Using a Transporter [Video]

Youtuber CGP Grey ponders about the various implications of using a transporter for a “concious” being. If you’re being transported down from the Enterprise to the surface of a planet, is the copied “you” on the surface truly you, or an entirely new lifeform that has all your memories but a new consciousness? The implications […]