Comet Lander Discovers Building Block Of Life

The unplanned bump by the craft that landed on a comet turned out to be a bonus for scientists. Staff on the Rosetta project say the double-landing has given them additional useful data that could even boost a theory about how life came to Earth. The Philae probe successfully reached comet 67P/Churyumov–Gerasimenko last October but […]

Here’s What Happen When You Dissolve Antacid in Space [Video]

Note: Be sure to put the media player in full screen mode and enable HD quality (up to 4k!) after hitting the play button! Astronauts on the International Space Station dissolved an effervescent tablet in a floating ball of water, and captured images using a camera capable of recording four times the resolution of normal […]

Caught Short in San Francisco? You’re In For a Rather Unpleasant Surprise

San Francisco is testing pee-resistant walls on city buildings to cut down on the side effects of people seeking relief. The move is relatively expensive so officials will wait to see how effective it is before extending the program. According to SF Gate, the city has received 375 requests to clean up urine in the […]

The Physics Behind the Gravity-Defying Chain Fountain Trick [Video]

Pulling one end of a chain of beads from a beaker and letting it fall down on the floor creates a fascinating gravity-defying phenomenon called a “chain fountain” where the chain mysteriously rises by several inches before going down. But why is it doing that? James Gorman of the New York Times explains: When you […]