Unveiling the Hidden Universe: Exploring the Microcosm of Puddle-Dwelling Microorganisms

Puddles: In those seemingly fleeting water pockets lies an entire world of microscopic life. Tiny organisms, barely visible to the naked eye, thrive in these miniature aquatic habitats. These puddles are bustling ecosystems, a reminder that life’s wonders exist in even the most unexpected places. So, next time you spot a puddle, remember that beneath […]

The bubbly chemistry behind carbonated beverages

Manufacturers inject carbon dioxide into beverages to make them fizzy. Jenny Dettrick/Moment via Getty Images Michael W. Crowder, Miami University Many people love the refreshing effervescence of a soda, champagne, beer or sparkling water. When you take a sip, the gas bubbles in the beverage burst, and the released gas tickles your nose. But have […]

Can coffee or a nap make up for sleep deprivation? A psychologist explains why there’s no substitute for shut-eye

A cup of coffee might provide you some pep, but it won’t fully make up for lost sleep. nopponpat/iStock via Getty Images Plus Kimberly Fenn, Michigan State University There is no denying the importance of sleep. Everyone feels better after a good night of sleep, and lack of sleep can have profoundly negative effects on […]

Why Do Americans Insist on Playing Hide-and-Seek with the Metric System?

If you grew up in the United States, you probably learned the United States Customary System (USCS) for weights and measures. USCS terms like inches, feet, pounds, and miles are derived from the British Imperial System, steeped in a long history of application and use. Any introduction to the metric system may have muddied the […]

What’s in vapes? Toxins, heavy metals, maybe radioactive polonium

Shutterstock Alexander Larcombe, Telethon Kids Institute If you asked me what’s in e-cigarettes, disposable vapes or e-liquids, my short answer would be “we don’t fully know”. The huge and increasing range of products and flavours on the market, changes to ingredients when they are heated or interact with each other, and inadequate labelling make this […]

Lab-grown ‘ghost hearts’ work to solve organ transplant shortage by combining a cleaned-out pig heart with a patient’s own stem cells

A ‘ghost heart’ is a pig’s heart prepared so that it can be transplanted into people. Provided by Doris Taylor Doris Taylor, University of New Hampshire Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. The World Health Organization estimates that 17.9 million people lose their lives to it each year, accounting for 32% of […]

Looking back toward cosmic dawn − astronomers confirm the faintest galaxy ever seen

A phenomenon called gravitational lensing can help astronomers observe faint, hard-to-see galaxies. NASA/STScI Guido Roberts-Borsani, University of California, Los Angeles The universe we live in is a transparent one, where light from stars and galaxies shines bright against a clear, dark backdrop. But this wasn’t always the case – in its early years, the universe […]